P2 – Dual-Mono Power Amplifier | ATC Loudspeakers
Upgrading from the P1 power amp, the P2 adds a much larger power supply and additional output MOSFETs to double power to 300W per channel. It is the ideal solution to drive speakers in larger rooms and/or when a loudspeaker presents a difficult load and will provide an effortless, musical presentation under these demanding conditions.
P2 Pro - 广州市力超高音响有限公司
不折不扣的高性能電源和大型散熱器保證了卓越的穩定性和長期可靠性。 完美匹配任何被動工作室參攷監視器。 英國手工製造,並提供6年保修。 輸出功率:300W(8Ω,1kHz,連續。 平均值,雙通道驅動)
ATC P2 Power Amp Review – Hi-Fi News | 龍聲音響
The new P2 power amplifier has received a glowing review in the latest (March) edition of Hi-Fi News. Hi-Fi News reviewer, Adam Smith greatly enjoyed his time with the amplifier and here are just a few of his thoughts from the review:
P2 Pro – Dual-Mono Power Amplifier | ATC Loudspeakers
P2 Pro – Dual-Mono Power Amplifier 300W per channel. True dual-mono design delivers full power simultaneously from both channels, with minimal crosstalk Grounded source class A/B circuit topology as found in ATC’s renowned active loudspeakers.
ATC P2 brings the power
2017年10月18日 · Some amplifiers sound faster, others more open and airy in the treble but none can match the solidity and power of the bass from the ATC P2. It’s not fat or even phat, it’s extended, rich in texture and stops and starts just when it should.
ATC CDA2 Mk II and P2 amplifier - review! - The Sound Advocate
2023年4月12日 · The ATC CDA2 Mk II and P2 amplifier can bring forth levels of performance attributes that may well surprise many music lovers and audiophiles! A three-in-one audiophile component, the ATC CDA2 MK II combines an all-discrete Class A preamplifier, high-grade CD player, premium (and much in demand) AKM 32-bit DAC and a high-resolution USB input.
ATC P2 Power Amp Review – Hi-Fi News | ATC Loudspeakers
The new P2 power amplifier has received a glowing review in the latest (March) edition of Hi-Fi News. Hi-Fi News reviewer, Adam Smith greatly enjoyed his time with the amplifier and here are just a few of his thoughts from the review:
P2 - 广州市力超高音响有限公司
概况 P2 – Dual-Mono Power Amplifier 每通道300W 真正的双声道单声道设计可同时从两个通道提供全功率,而串扰最小 ATC著名的有源扬声器中发现的接地源A / B类电路拓扑 超宽带宽,低失真和高动态范围确保音调精度和完美的定时瞬变
ATC - P2 Dual Mono Power Amplifier - Music Direct
Incredibly neutral amplifiers such as the ATC P2 – with dual-mono topology that keeps the power supplies, signal, and return paths separate as well as custom-made low-noise toroidal transformers and meticulous construction – make for a rarer breed still.
英国ATC P2 300W功率放大器 hifi功放立体声后级功放
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