P4 | ATC Loudspeakers
P4. 4 channel 3-way mono-block design. ATC class A/B “Grounded Source Topology”. 850W total output. 4th order active crossovers with phase correction. Fast FET soft limiting driver protection. Triple fan cooling. 6 year warranty. Only available as part of an ATC active loudspeaker system.
ATC P4 PRO功放 - leidianaudio.com
P4 四通道三路单声道设计。 ATC A / B类接地信源拓扑 。 850瓦总输出。 因阶有源分频器与相位校正。 快速FET软限制驱动器保护。 三风扇散热。 6年保修。 仅作为一个ATC有源音箱系统的一部分。 技术规格 输出功率:高音100W/6 ,中音200W/16 ,低育 275W 2 /8.
SCM300ASL High SPL 3 way Soffit Mount Monitor
The P4 is a 4 channel, 3-way, class A/B amplifier with 850w total output. There are dedicated amplifers for the HF and MF drivers, with a third amp driving the pair of Super Linear LF drivers. The P4 also features fast FET soft limiting driver protection, 4th order active crossovers with phase correction, and triple fan cooling vented at the rear.
ATC P4 Power Amp - KMR Audio
The ATC P4 Power Amp is a 5U rack-mounted 850W Class A/B monobloc power amplifier - only available as part of an ATC Active Loudspeaker System. With an ATC P4 you will have more than just the power and sound of the amplifier to produce top quality results.
P4 - 广州市力超高音响有限公司
具有相位校正功能的四阶有源分频器。 软限制驱动程序保护。 三重风扇冷却。 6年保修。 仅作为ATC有源扬声器系统的一部分提供。
ATC P4 SPECIFICATION SHEET Pdf Download - ManualsLib
View and Download ATC P4 specification sheet online. ATC 4-way 850W monoblock power amplifier. P4 amplifier pdf manual download.
ATC P4 PRO功放_专业功放_监听音箱_乐城仕-中国录音棚系统集成 …
p4. 四通道三路单声道设计。 atc a / b类“接地信源拓扑” 。 850瓦总输出。 因阶有源分频器与相位校正。 快速fet软限制驱动器保护。 三风扇降温。 6年保修。 只作为一个atc有源音箱系统的一部分。 技术规格. 输出功率:高音100w/6Ω ,中音200w/16Ω ,低育 275w ×2 /8Ω
P4 | ATC Loudspeakers
p4. 四通道三路單聲道設計。 atc a / b類“接地信源拓撲” 。 850瓦總輸出。 因階有源分頻器與相位校正。 快速fet軟限制驅動器保護。 三風扇散熱。 6年保修。 僅作為一個atc有源音箱系統的一部分。
ATC P4 – The Vinyl Revivers
ATC “Grounded Source Topology”. 850W Class AB total output. 4th order active crossovers with phase correction. Soft limiting driver protection. Triple fan cooling. 6 year warranty. Only available as part of a larger ATC active loudspeaker system such as the SCM200 ASLT and SCM300ASLT. Not Available online.
SCM200/300ASL/P4 1. System Configuration The SCM200/300ASL and P4 comprise active loudspeaker systems in which the P4 filter and amplifier unit can be located remotely from the monitors themselves.One P4 unit is needed for each …