Endoplasmic reticulum stress: molecular mechanism and …
2023年9月15日 · Facing ER stress, ATF6 is transported to the Golgi apparatus and cleaved by Site-1 (S1P) and Site-2 (S2P) proteases. After the cleavage, ATF6 releases a cytosolic fragment (ATF6f), which...
内质网胁迫与UPR响应 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
分析后生动物 ATF6 在拟南芥中的同源基因,发现拟南芥 bZIP 家族的转录因子中,有 75 个成员具有类似于 ATF6 的特征,预测为二类跨膜蛋白。 其中 bZIP17/28/49 三个成员与之十分相似,并且它们的 C 端也具有 S1P(高尔基体腔内的一个蛋白酶)的切割位点。 内质网胁迫发生时,bZIP17/28 亚细胞定位转移到高尔基体。 在那里,可以被 S1P 蛋白酶切去膜内区域,被 S2P(高尔基体膜上的金属蛋白酶)切割跨膜结构,从而释放 bZIP 转录因子结构域进入细胞 …
Science | 发现全新的决定内质网应激下细胞命运的调控因子 - 知乎
于是作者通过测量 Xbp1s (由IRE1介导的剪接Xbp1转录本)和Hspa5(ATF6目标基因)的总体种群水平表达来监测IRE1和ATF6的活性。研究人员验证了Xbp1s和Hspa5在Tm处理开始后的12和15小时最大程度地诱导,并在24小时后显着降低。
Pharmacologic ATF6 activating compounds are metabolically ... - eLife
2018年8月7日 · Treatment with 147 alters the migration of FT ATF6 in non-reducing gels (upward gel shift), consistent with a net reduction of the disulfides in ATF6. Similar results were observed upon Tm treatment, which activates all 3 arms of the UPR.
Mammalian Transcription Factor ATF6 Is Synthesized as a …
2017年10月13日 · We recently isolated ATF6 as a candidate for mammalian UPR-specific transcription factor. We report here that ATF6 constitutively expressed as a 90-kDa protein (p90ATF6) is directly converted to a 50-kDa protein (p50ATF6) in ER-stressed cells.
ATF6α Optimizes Long-Term Endoplasmic Reticulum Function …
2007年9月4日 · ATF6α is neither essential for basal expression of ER protein chaperones nor for embryonic or postnatal development. However, ATF6α is required in both cells and tissues to optimize protein folding, secretion, and degradation during ER stress and thus to facilitate recovery from acute stress and tolerance to chronic stress.
ATF6 safeguards organelle homeostasis and cellular aging in …
2018年1月5日 · Our study unravels the first ATF6-regulated gene expression network related to homeostatic regulation of membrane organelles, and provides novel mechanistic insights into aging-associated...
Activating Transcription Factor 6 Mediates Inflammatory …
2020年10月1日 · Ileal IECs from patients with CD have higher levels of activated ATF6, which is regulated by CSNK2B and HSPA5. ATF6 increases expression of TNF and other inflammatory cytokines in response to ER stress in these cells and in organoids from Atg16l1 ΔIEC and Xbp1 ΔIEC mice. Strategies to inhibit the ATF6 signaling pathway might be developed for ...
Mammalian Transcription Factor ATF6 Is Synthesized as a …
We recently isolated ATF6 as a candidate for mammalian UPR-specific transcription factor. We report here that ATF6 constitutively expressed as a 90-kDa protein (p90ATF6) is directly converted to a 50-kDa protein (p50ATF6) in ER-stressed cells.
ATF6-Mediated Unfolded Protein Response Facilitates Adeno …
AAVR knockdown enhances ATF6 signaling in the UPR induced by TM. ER stress is induced by various assaults and elicits complex downstream signaling. The UPR is a common cause of ER stress and occurs when protein synthesis overwhelms protein folding capacity in the ER or improperly folded proteins accumulate and block normal ER homeostasis . ER ...