DNA损伤反应与DNA的修复(二) - 知乎专栏
ATM激活后可以将MDC1(mediator of DNA damage checkpoint protein 1)磷酸化,再募集E3泛素连接酶RNF168,后者将组蛋白H2A泛素化,从而与53BP1(p53结合蛋白1)结合。 53BP1可以促进NHEJ并抑制HR。
MDC1 Maintains Genomic Stability by Participating in the …
MDC1 binds phosphorylated H2AX through its BRCT domain and ATM through its FHA domain. Through these interactions, MDC1 accumulates activated ATM flanking the sites of DNA damage, facilitating further ATM-dependent phosphorylation of …
细胞信号通路详解之ATM信号通路_Chk - 搜狐
2020年3月6日 · atm可使nbs1在几个残基上磷酸化以应对dna损伤,chk2的激活需要一个功能性的mre11/rad50/nbs1复合物。这将mre11/rad50/nbs1复合物与dna损伤识别联系起来。dna dsbs位点激活的atm也可能磷酸化并激活核质中的atm。 一旦atm被激活,它磷酸化多种底物。
Diffusion of activated ATM explains γH2AX and MDC1 spread …
2024年9月20日 · To determine if diffusion of activated ATM could account for the observed behavior, we measured the exchange rate and diffusion constants of ATM and MDC1 within damaged and unperturbed chromatin. Using these measurements, we introduced a quantitative model in which the freely diffusing activated ATM phosphorylates H2AX.
Interplay between the DNA Damage Proteins MDC1 and ATM in …
ATM and MDC1 are central players of the cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks. Here, we identify a new role for these proteins in the regulation of mitotic progression and in SAC activation. MDC1 localizes at mitotic kinetochores following SAC activation in …
DNA损伤修复相关基因(mediator of DNA damage check point protein 1,MDC1)又称BRCT结构域1的核因子(nuclear factor with BRCT domain protein 1,NFBD1),是一种参与DNA损伤反应早期进程的支架蛋白,在调控DNA损伤应答和维持基因组稳定性方面发挥着重要功效。
MDC1 is a mediator of the mammalian DNA damage checkpoint
2003年2月27日 · Here we identify a novel BRCA1 carboxy-terminal (BRCT) and forkhead-associated (FHA) domain-containing protein, MDC1 (mediator of DNA damage checkpoint protein 1), which works with H2AX to...
Diffusion of activated ATM explains γH2AX and MDC1 spread
2024年8月26日 · To determine if diffusion of activated ATM could account for the observed behavior, we measured the exchange rate and diffusion constants of ATM and MDC1 within damaged and unperturbed chromatin. Using these measurements, we introduced a quantitative model in which the freely diffusing activated ATM phosphorylates H2AX.
ATM: Translating the DNA Damage Response to Adaptive Immunity
2021年4月1日 · The ATM DNA double-stranded break (DSB) response triggers the formation of a network of recruited proteins (including the MRN complex, MDC1, 53BP1) participating in tethering the break ends together. ATM deficiency reduces DSB end tethering, coding end hairpin resolution, and repair, in V(D)J-recombination.
MDC1 Maintains Genomic Stability by Participating in the …
2006年1月20日 · MDC1 binds phosphorylated H2AX through its BRCT domain and ATM through its FHA domain. Through these interactions, MDC1 accumulates activated ATM flanking the sites of DNA damage, facilitating further ATM-dependent phosphorylation of H2AX and the amplification of DNA damage signals.