Company | AT&S
Since AT&S was founded in 1987, we have grown to become a leading supplier of high-end PCBs and IC substrates. Our technologies appear in every area of modern life – from mobile phones and computers to vehicles, industrial robotics, medical devices, aeroplanes and satellites.
AT&S Worldwide | AT&S
The plant successfully serves the demand for HDI and mSAP printed circuit boards and has established itself as a leading supplier of the latest PCB technology. The broad technology spectrum offered by the plant is very well received by customers in the segments smartphones, consumer electronics and in the automotive industry.
ECP® printed circuit boards | AT&S
Discover more about the most compact printed circuit boards in the world, serving the global medical, power electronics, data management, industrial, aerospace and communication sectors for more than 10 years. Download our whitepaper to uncover the capabilities of our Embedding Component Packaging technology and applications.
奥特斯AT&S助力高速光模块PCB制造_技术_仿真_工艺 - 搜狐
2023年7月6日 · 高端类载板SLP(substrates-like PCB)技术: 通过半加层(mSAP)制程,可实现最小线宽/线距为20/20微米,有效提高布局布线密度,达到小型化的目的。 此外,mSAP工艺提高了图形精度,减小阻抗波动。
国际瞭望|全球顶尖PCB企业AT&S最新动态 - 电子工程专辑 ...
2021年12月29日 · 据了解,AT&S在今年6月份宣布计划投资85亿马来西亚令吉(约17亿美元)在KHTP建设“全新高端半导体封装载板工厂”,这是其第一个东南亚生产基地,该工厂已于10月30日举行了开工奠基仪式,预计于2024年投产,将创造6000个高科技和高影响力的工作岗位,这将成为奥特斯历史上最大的投资。 AT&S的KHTP工厂奠基现场图. 此外,据AT&S官网12月16日发布,公司与马来西亚一电力公司NUR Power签订合作备忘录,NUR Power将为AT&S“马来西亚高端 …
32亿! AT&S与东莞一PCB企业母公司签署工厂出售合同_IC&PCB联盟
2024年9月24日 · HNPCA获悉,AT&S于2006年通过收购一家当地PCB企业成功进入韩国市场。 安山工厂目前为医疗、汽车和工业领域生产FPC,拥有 341名员工,并通过了IATF 16949:2016、ISO 9001:2015、ISO 14001:2015、ISO 45001:2018以及ISO/IEC 27001:2013等多项国际认证。 特别是在医疗领域,安山工厂的技术优势显著,该领域对精度和技术要求极高,竞争对手难以企及。 此外,为应对电动汽车和医疗产品需求的增长,安山工厂近期完成了扩建,以迎接未来的更大变 …
AT&S - Wikipedia
AT&S is supporting the current roll-out of the 5G mobile communications generation with high frequency (HF) optimized interconnect solutions by developing and producing hybrid-PCB structures. [7]
AT&S - Omega GTI
AT&S's HDI PCBs deliver high circuit density and compact, reliable design, ideally suited for efficient control in engines and complex electronic systems. Maximizing space, AT&S's cavity PCBs support miniaturized devices like medical implants and smartphones, offering innovative solutions for modern design challenges.
Advanced Technologies & Solutions - AT&S
Since AT&S was founded in 1987, we have grown to become a leading supplier of high-end PCBs and IC substrates. Our technologies appear in every area of modern life – from mobile telephones and computers to vehicles, industrial robotics, medical devices, aeroplanes and satellites.
AT&S裁员1000人, 仍难挡半年5亿的亏损_IC&PCB联盟
2024年11月4日 · 10月31日,AT&S发布2024/25财年(2024.4.1-2025.3.31)半年度财报,Q2 (2024.7.1-9.30)销售额达4.51亿欧元,比Q1的3.49亿欧元增长了29%,与去年同期的4.52亿欧元持平;上半年总营收为8亿欧元,基本与去年同期的8.14亿欧元持平。 尽管销量实现正增长,主要得益于客户多元化的推进,但受制于电路板和IC载板的持续价格压力,AT&S盈利能力下降,上半年净亏损达6300万欧元(约合4.9亿人民币),而去年同期该集团实现利润4900万欧元(约合3.8亿 …
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