Alaska Outdoors Forums
2025年3月11日 · This forum is for auctions or estate sales in Alaska containing a significant quantity or dollar value of outdoor gear. "Outdoor gear" is defined as snowmachines, boats, outboards, ATVs, RVs, campers, firearms, hunting gear, fishing gear, dipnetting equipment, or any other gear directly related to the Alaska outdoors.
ATV Registration | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2007年1月7日 · I am new to Alaska and was wondering if I have to register my ATV. Thanks
ATV or UTV | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2014年3月31日 · Looking into purchasing an offroad vehicle now that my wife and I are in Alaska. Currently debating between a Polaris sportsman 850 touring or a Polaris Ranger 900. Would appreciate input from outdoorsmen and women who have experience with atvs/utvs while hunting in Alaska. Thanks in advance...
What is the Can Am brand like as a ATV | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2013年6月16日 · I am hoping to move to Alaska in the next year or so with my wife and kids. We would like to purchase some ATV'S for our own personnel use. The Can Am brand of quads looks fantastic but are they capable ATV'S. My expectations for our own purchase would for just recreational use on gravel roads...
ATV Repair shop in Eagle River | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2010年2月2日 · Alaska ATV Salvage Alaska ATV Salvage Yep, Todd will treat you right. I have had work done by him a few times, good guy, good shop.
ATV Trail Ratings? | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2008年6月21日 · Kind of on the same sort of thought as my last thread. I think it would be a great asset to ATV riders if we came up with a “skill level” type of trail rating system for the local trails. I realize that most of the trails have extremely varied terrain that …
Side but side ATV questions | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2008年4月29日 · My other ATV is an Bombardier/CanAm Outlander Max, which is a two-seater also. Advantages of a side by side include being able to steer with one (either) hand, the steering system is much easier than handlebars, you can actually see and talk to your passenger, there's a roll cage around you, and there's plenty of storage space.
ATV Hauler | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2012年8月20日 · I am looking for some advice on a recommended ATV trailer/hauler. I will be moving to AK in the future and was wondering what works out best up there. My plan is bring ATV and trailer from lower 48. We will be looking into a second ATV once we arrive in the area. Are the benefits worth the extra...
Remote property with no water access, need advice on utility ATV
2011年9月10日 · Hello all, I have a remote property that I need to cut an access trail to tie into a winter access trail. The trip will be about 25 miles by ATV trail to access my land. This route is a bit longer than winter access because you have to …
Floating ATV? | Alaska Outdoors Forums
2013年2月16日 · I was walking throught he Boatyard yesterday and saw a brand new ATV that was made to float and manuever though water. It was being loaded on a yacht. This was new to me have any of you seen or used these? Are they a brand new thing? What do you think?