The pzc of Au(111) and Pt(111) in a perchloric acid solution: an ex ...
1996年9月26日 · From the charge flowing during contact with the electrolyte under potential control, the potential of zero charge (pzc) was derived. Au(111) was used as a test system and very good agreement was obtained between the pzc values determined by in-situ capacity measurements in dilute solutions and by the immersion technique.
2021年4月16日 · Voltammetric and Gouy-Chapman capacitance minimum meas-urements were conducted on Au(111) and roughened Au(111) electrodes in aprotic electrolytes in the absence and presence of specifically adsorbed ions for concentrations ranging from 0.001 to 0.5 M. Negative of the point of zero charge (pzc), the capacitance maximum increases in the order Ca2...
Origin of Solvent Dependency of the Potential of Zero Charge
2023年11月15日 · Fundamental properties of the Au(111)–KPF 6 interface, particularly the potential of zero charge (PZC), exhibit pronounced variations among solvents, yet the origin remains largely elusive. In this study, we aim to link the solvent dependency to the microscopic phenomenon of electron spillover occurring at the metal–solution interface in ...
Unconventional interfacial water structure of highly concentrated ...
2022年9月10日 · All electrode potentials are relative to the PZC of the Au(111) electrode, which is around −0.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl electrode (see Supplementary Figs. 2, 3 for corresponding cyclic voltammogram and...
Angew:高熵合金的酸性析氢与其零电荷电势有关 - 知乎
近日,德国波鸿鲁尔大学的 Wolfgang Schuhmann 以及韩国首尔大学的 Tak Dong Chung 利用扫描电化学池显微镜(SECCM)测定了各种组分的Pt-Pd-Ru-Ir-Ag合金薄膜的PZC和HER活性,发现PZC和该高熵 合金薄膜 的组分权重平均功能函(WF) 线性相关 ,且合金的HER电流密度和其PZC正 …
On the Differential Capacitance and Potential of Zero Charge of Au…
2021年4月16日 · The most densely packed Au(111) face has a more positive zero charge potential (pzc) than the roughened Au(111) electrode; also, the differential capacitance at the pzc increases upon roughening. The pzc shifts to more positive potential and capacitance raises upon increasing water content from 1.28 to 58 mM on the roughened Au(111) electrode.
The potentials of zero charge of Pd(1 1 1) and thin Pd overlayers on Au ...
2002年7月1日 · The pzc is commonly defined as the potential, at which the electrode surface has no excess charge; for solid surfaces its value can in many cases be obtained from double-layer capacity measurements in dilute solutions, where a pronounced minimum appears at the pzc (Gouy–Chapman minimum) [3].
Double Layer at the Pt(111)–Aqueous ... - Wiley Online Library
2019年11月4日 · The potential of zero charge (pzc) of a metal is the potential at which the metal surface in contact with a certain electrolyte has zero excess electronic (free) charge. 1 According to the Gouy–Chapman (GC) theory of the electric double layer, the differential capacitance (C d) should have a minimum at the pzc, provided the pzc lies in the ...
零电荷电势的溶剂依赖性的起源,JACS Au - X-MOL
Au (111)-KPF 6界面的基本性质,特别是零电荷电势 (PZC),在溶剂之间表现出明显的变化,但其起源在很大程度上仍然难以捉摸。 在这项研究中,我们的目标是将溶剂依赖性与异质介电介质中金属-溶液界面处发生的电子溢出的微观现象联系起来。 为了解决在恒定电势条件下描述溶剂调制电子溢出的挑战,我们采用半经典函数方法并通过第一原理计算和实验数据对其进行参数化。 我们发现,控制这种现象的关键变量是金属边缘上方约 2.5 Å 区域内的局部介电常数。 较高的局部介 …
水溶液中金属零电荷的潜力的建立:从头算分子动力学模拟揭示出 …