Selenium Adsorption on Au (111) and Ag (111) Surfaces: …
2013年4月18日 · Cyclic voltammetry on Au shows formation of selenium adsorbed species and the structures observed in reductive desorption are related to the atomic and polymeric species observed in XPS. In the case of Au(111) XPS spectra in the Se(3d) region indeed show two main features attributed to Se chemisorbed atomically and polymeric Se 8 features.
Stages of Se adsorption on Au(111): A combined XPS, LEED, TOF …
2017年8月1日 · The use of a Se doser operated in vacuum allowed us to analyze the different stages of the Se adsorption on Au(111). With a combination of XPS, LEED and TOF-DRS we have identified two ordered phases: one extending up to around θ ≈ 0.3, and another one at higher coverages that becomes well defined only after a mild annealing.
Fabrication, characterization and optical properties of Au …
2022年10月22日 · XPS and Raman spectroscopy reveal the interaction between Au and Bi2Se3 by shifting in the binding energies of Au–Au, Au–Se and Bi–Se bonds and the wavenumber of A1g2 and Eg2 modes.
XAS and XPS examination of the Au–S nanostructures produced via …
2010年2月1日 · While the surface-sensitive XPS and S L-edge TEY XANES imply the formation of predominant metallic gold and polysulfide species, the transmission Au L 3-edge spectra show Au–S bonding that increases with increasing the molar Na 2 …
重构Au-Se键纳米传感平台避免细胞内生物硫醇的干扰- X-MOL资讯
2018年7月21日 · 近日, 山东师范大学唐波 教授(点击查看介绍)研究团队 利用Au-Se键替代Au-S键重构金纳米传感平台有效解决了生物硫醇对金纳米传感检测的干扰 问题 。
Small-rotation-angle moiré structures of 2H TaSe 2 monolayers on Au…
2024年8月19日 · We demonstrate that the deposition sequence of Se and Ta during growth can make an important difference: first depositing Se on Au predominantly gives small rotation angles, while first depositing Ta on Au predominantly results in perfectly aligned lattices.
完全弄懂X射线光电子能谱(XPS) - 知乎
2024年12月15日 · xps可用于定性分析以及半定量分析, 一般从xps图谱的峰位和峰形获得样品表面元素成分、化学态和分子结构等信息,从峰强可获得样品表面元素含量或浓度(不常用)。
Au(111)上杂环硫醇自组装的XPS研究,Applied Surface Science - X …
1998年9月1日 · 摘要 使用高分辨率 X 射线光电子能谱 (XPS) 研究了杂环硫醇 2-巯基苯并咪唑 (2MBI) 从液相中自组装在 Au(111) 上的吸附。根据液态组装层的氮 (1s) 和硫 (2p) 电子结合能的化学位移,可以得出结论,该分子以硫醇形式与 Au 键合。
XPS and Ag L3-edge XANES characterization of silver and silver–gold ...
2018年5月1日 · The aim of the current research was to measure, often for the first time, and to compare XPS and Ag L 3-edge XANES spectra from a series of Ag 2 S x Se 1–x (0 ≤ x ≤ 1), AgAuS, and Ag 3 AuS x Se 2–x (x = 0, 1, 2) compounds and solid solutions in order to reveal the influence of the chemical composition on the spectra, particularly the ...
金纳米粒子通过形成Au_S键的组装 - 豆丁网
2013年12月15日 · 关键词:金纳米粒子,Au-S键,组装 学科代码:B030500 利用湿化学法以纳米粒子为基本单元构筑各种纳米复合结构,具有灵活简便、通用性强等
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