A tRNA modification with aminovaleramide facilitates AUA
2024年9月19日 · Here we report that tRNAs Ile from plant organelles and a subset of bacteria contain a new cytidine derivative, designated 2-aminovaleramididine (ava 2 C). Like L34, ava 2 C34 governs both...
Selection of initiator tRNA and start codon by mammalian
2025年1月24日 · As a result, IF-3mt promotes the accurate initiation of leaderless mRNAs. Nevertheless, IF-3mt can also facilitate initiation from the non-AUG(AUA) start codon through its unique N- and C-terminal extensions, in concert with the 5-methylcytidine (m5C) or 5-formylcytidine (f5C) modification at the anticodon wobble position of mt-tRNAMet.
Identification and characterization of a tRNA decoding the rare AUA ...
Identification of tRNAs present in H. marismortui, including the AUA-reading H. marismortui tRNA Ile XAU, was based on analysis of total RNA and not of individual purified tRNA species. We used (1) PAGE under denaturing conditions and acid urea PAGE followed by Northern blot analysis to identify specific tRNAs and their aminoacylation status ...
An RNA-Modifying Enzyme that Governs Both the Codon and …
2003年9月1日 · The AUA codon-specific isoleucine tRNA (tRNA Ile) in eubacteria has the posttranscriptionally modified nucleoside lysidine (L) at the wobble position of the anticodon (position 34). This modification is a lysine-containing cytidine derivative that converts both the codon specificity of tRNA Ile from AUG to AUA and its amino acid specificity ...
Decoding system for the AUA codon by tRNA - PubMed Central …
In many bacteria, AUA codons are deciphered by tRNA Ile2 bearing lysidine (L) at the wobble position. L is a modified cytidine introduced post-transcriptionally by tRNA Ile -lysidine synthetase (TilS).
Convergent evolution of AUA decoding in bacteria and archaea
Deciphering AUA codons is a difficult task for organisms, because AUA and AUG specify isoleucine (Ile) and methionine (Met), separately. Each of the other purine-ending sense co-don sets (NNR) specifies a single amino acid in the universal genetic ...
The structural basis for specific decoding of AUA by isoleucine …
Decoding of the AUA isoleucine codon in bacteria and archaea requires modification of a cytidine in the anticodon wobble position of the isoleucine tRNA. Here, we report the crystal structure of the archaeal tRNA 2Ile, which contains the novel modification agmatidine in its anticodon, in complex with the AUA codon on the 70S ribosome.
Structural basis of tRNA agmatinylation essential for AUA
2011年10月16日 · Here we present the crystal structures of the Archaeoglobus fulgidus TiaS–tRNA Ile2 complexed with ATP, or with AMPCPP and agmatine, revealing a previously unknown kinase module required for...
Identification and characterization of a tRNA decoding the rare AUA …
Based on computational analysis, it has been proposed recently that a single intron-containing tRNA gene produces two very similar but functionally different tRNAs by means of alternative splicing; a UGG-decoding tRNA (TrpCCA) and an AUA-decoding tRNA (IleUAU).
Decoding system for the AUA codon by tRNAIle with the UAU ... - PubMed
2013年2月1日 · In many bacteria, AUA codons are deciphered by tRNA(Ile2) bearing lysidine (L) at the wobble position. L is a modified cytidine introduced post-transcriptionally by tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase (TilS).