Patryk27/avr-tester: `#[test]` meets simavr! - GitHub
Framework for testing AVR binaries, powered by simavr. tl;dr get your microcontroller's firmware black-box-tested in seconds! Create a crate dedicated to your firmware's tests: ... add avr …
AVR Transistor Tester : 8 Steps - Instructables
You can search "AVR transistor tester" on any major search engine and you will see what I was saying... I chose this option because I was also curious to try the module display included (128x64 pixels); to see what libraries are available and how actually work.
AVR晶体管测试仪开源制作与验证 - CSDN博客
可实现对信号频率的测量、方波输出、二极管、 三极管 、 Mos管 以及可控硅(晶闸管)的测量。 🧨方波信号输出Max:999KHz。 该项目显示接口支持的很多,个人制作的PCB预留了I2C SSD1306接口(SH1106另外说明)以及SPI ST7735S(128X160 1.8")的tft屏幕。 🔖SH1106接口的支持(在 https://github.com/Mikrocontroller-net/transistortester 中的 ComponentTester-1.45m.tgz 版本中有)需要自己进行编译,个人编译测试sh1106屏幕显示没有问题。
关于开源项目晶体管测试仪(Transistor Tester)介绍 - CSDN博客
2024年6月13日 · 资源摘要信息:"ArduTester V1.13是一个专门用于Arduino UNO的晶体管测试仪项目,由Karl-Heinz Kübbeler设计,该项目的目的是简化晶体管以及其他电子元件的研究、修改、验证过程,并且更容易地上传到Arduino平台。
Repo of Transistor Tester files for FISH 8840 clone - GitHub
The Transistor Tester is a unit which allows quick measuring of common electronic components (capacitors, inductors, resistors, BJTs, MOSFETs, schottky/zener diodes) and more (depending on firmware) using basic components.
AVR Tester - ctequipmentguide.ca
2025年3月18日 · A diagnostic charger, battery, starting and charging system tester, engine starter, DMM, cable voltage drop tester, with flash-reprogram mode and more. Multi-Tasking Battery & Electrical Diagnostic Station
Sources of the Transistor Tester project - GitHub
For running the transistor tester software with Arduino UNO or Nano boards you need a bootloader able to transfer data to the flash and the EEprom memory. You can get a bootloader with this feature matching to 512 Byte bootloader pages at the address: https://github.com/kubi48/avr-assembler-optiboot
How to Operate the Transistor Tester With AVR Microcontroller
How to Operate the Transistor Tester With AVR Microcontroller: This Instructable is meant to be a companion to the Instructable where I showed how to assemble this device. I'll show what it looks like when you power it up, how and why to calibrate it, and how to measure various things.
ArduTester V1.13: The Arduino UNO Transistor Tester
ArduTester V1.13: The Arduino UNO Transistor Tester Sketch of transistor tester project from Karl-Heinz Kübbeler, so it's much simpler to study, modify, verify and upload to an Arduino. Nov 21, 2018
How to Test an AVR With a Multimeter? - ElectronicsHacks
2023年4月3日 · Learn How to Test Your AVR Device With a Multimeter With This Comprehensive Guide. Get Step-By-Step Instructions on How to Use Your Multimeter to Check the Voltage, Current, and Resistance of Your AVR Device.
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