MA Assault Weapons Ban "AWB" FAQ - Northeastshooters.com …
2012年3月5日 · Because when the federal AWB was in effect from 1994-2004, that "copy or duplicate" language was very narrowly interpreted, and the MA AWB, being a carbon copy of the federal AWB, was similarly interpreted from 1998-2016. Basically a new model was only considered a "copy or duplicate" of a...
MA Assault Weapons Ban "AWB" FAQ - Northeastshooters.com …
2012年10月29日 · Background: What is the MA AWB? The "Assault Weapons" ban in MA is almost a verbatim version of the Federal AWB that existed from 1994 - 2004. This is...
Maryland AWB case Snope v Brown going to SCOTUS. (Formerly …
2015年7月9日 · If they toss AWB it's possible that they have to write it in a way that it also affects NFA firearms, which means those dreaded machine guns are included and the headlines will read " SUPREME COURT LEGALIZES MACHINE GUNS!" Cuz that's how the fake news and low information pleb works.
Illinois AWB Challenge: 7th Circuit Declines to 'en banc' Case …
2023年12月11日 · It appears the 7th Circuit declined to hear an en banc on the IL AWB ban challenge, this appears to clear the way for SCOTUS to potentially decide to accept...
HUGE loop hole in CT AWB. People are buying them now.
2009年1月27日 · Hi all, I just thought I'd share an interesting development in the push back against PA 13-3 that essentially outlawed all future ownership of AR15s or any other pistol gripped, semi-auto, detachable magazine centerfire rifles. Its …
2/11/2025 - McKee adds an AWB to his budget
2015年3月10日 · Gov. Dan McKee, general office holders and lawmakers joined gun safety advocates at a State House rally Tuesday afternoon, calling for 2025 to be the year Rhode Island passes an assault weapons ban.
WTK: NY Law RE: Selling Pre-ban AR-15 to NY Resident
2008年11月3日 · As for NY-specific rules, NYS has a two-feature AWB modeled on the 1994 federal AWB which did not sunset (like the Federal ban did), so the AR would have to be ban-compliant (or "pre-ban" per NYS law).
Maryland AWB case Snope v Brown going to SCOTUS. (Formerly …
2010年4月17日 · There are something like 10 states including D.C. with some form of AWB spread out across the country encompassing multiple circuit courts covered by several justices.
Maryland AWB case Snope v Brown going to SCOTUS. (Formerly …
2025年1月25日 · Not sure what the hold up is they could easily deny cert at least on the ocean state case but snope was already gvr'd already I believe either were getting one heck of a decent written from one not the justices or they will punt to 2026
Maryland AWB case Snope v Brown going to SCOTUS. (Formerly …
2011年11月17日 · The 4th of course leaves out the whole context of that statement from Heller that appears to say something entirely different than what the 4th is inferring it does. From page 58-59 of Heller: The words were there and in that order. You're racist and a misogynist for requiring a consistent...