Debug Tool - AWS X-Ray - AWS
AWS X-Ray helps you debug and analyze your microservices applications with request tracing so you can find the root cause of issues and performance bottlenecks.
What is AWS X-Ray?
Use AWS X-Ray to monitor the components and services that make up your cloud applications. X-Ray provides a detailed trace map and latency information for each connection that your application makes to AWS services and external web APIs.
AWS X-Ray features
AWS X-Ray makes it easy for developers to analyze the behavior of their production, distributed applications with end-to-end tracing capabilities. You can use X-Ray to identify performance bottlenecks, edge case errors, and other hard to detect issues.
AWS X-Ray concepts
The AWS X-Ray console provides an easy-to-navigate view of the service graph. It shows health and performance information that helps you identify issues and opportunities for optimization in your application.
AWS X-Ray Documentation
AWS X-Ray makes it easy for developers to analyze the behavior of their distributed applications by providing request tracing, exception collection, and profiling capabilities.
AWS X-Ray Getting Started
Follow our Getting Started guide in the AWS X-Ray documentation to begin using X-Ray
What is AWS X-Ray? AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug production, distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture. With X-Ray, you can understand how your application and its underlying services are performing to identify and troubleshoot the root cause of performance issues and errors.
Getting started with X-Ray - AWS X-Ray
Use the X-Ray SDKs, X-Ray APIs, ADOT or CloudWatch Application Signals to send trace data to X-Ray. For more information about which interface to use, see Choosing an interface . For more information about instrumentation, see Instrumenting your application for AWS X-Ray .
Sistema de seguimiento distribuido – AWS X-Ray – Amazon Web …
AWS X-Ray le ayuda a depurar y analizar sus aplicaciones de microservicios con rastreo de solicitudes para que pueda encontrar la causa raíz de los problemas y los atascos de desempeño.
¿Qué es AWS X-Ray?
AWS X-Ray es un servicio que recopila datos sobre las solicitudes que atiende su aplicación y proporciona herramientas que puede utilizar para ver, filtrar y obtener información sobre esos datos a fin de identificar problemas y oportunidades de optimización.