ax-lightness . Im Herzen Deutschlands fertigt die ax-lightness composites GmbH hochwertigste Carbon-Radsportteile wie die Rahmen der „VIAL evo"-Serie, Laufräder, Sättel, Sattelstützen, Lenker und Vorbauten, die Leichtigkeit und Stabilität in höchster Vollendung kombinieren.
Designer of bicycle trailers and accessories - Ax.Bike
Welcome to AX.Bike #Designer of Trailers and Accessories for the cycle #Discover our products
Carbon Premium Products - ax-lightness composites
WELCOME TO AX-LIGHTNESS COMPOSITES CARBON PREMIUM PRODUCTS – HANDMADE IN GERMANY. In our modern factory in Duderstadt we build in elaborate manual work with the aid of highly engineered machinery carbon high-tech products for the sports industry, the automotive sector, motorsports and medical engineering.
Branchen - ax-lightness
From the carbon rim over the carbon handlebar up to the complete bike full - our high-end carbon components provide best performance on the tarmac and off-road. Developed with maximum rigidity, tremendous performance, extremely low weight and Handmade in Germany these components are just the thing for every challenge.
AX-lightness推出限量版VIAL evo Race LTD公路车 - 美骑网
2019年3月14日 · AX-lightness精于制造超轻零件,他们制造了许多车轮、操控组件和整车。 他们最新的整车是VIAL evo的限量版,车架中700克,搭配老款SRAM Red eTap套件,重4.9公斤。
轻到没朋友 德国轻量狂魔打造4.8kg量产战车|公路车配件|公路车|整 …
正如其名, AX-Lightness Vial evo Ultra eTap原装配备SRAM e Tap无线电子变速,车架没有预留变速线孔, AX-Lightness为追求轻量化可谓是破釜沉舟。 毫无疑问,这辆车不便宜,官方售价 11899欧元,允许小编偷个懒,不去纠结汇率,反正小编知道大家肯定会在下面排队评论 ...
Aloha Ax-Lightness Alpha - Fair Wheel Bikes
2022年12月31日 · With a final weight of 7.91 lbs. (3.584kg), this unique hill-climb machine features at its core an AX-lightness Alpha frame paired with THM Scapula Fork. Inspired by Gunter Mai's World's Lightest Road Bike back in 2008, this bike was meant to be the "heavier" version of the previous world's lightest bike to be ridden as a daily rider by its new ...
Ax-lightness bikes | Save on used bikes with buycycle
Used Ax-lightness bikes for up to 70% cheaper at buycycle Ax-lightness road bikes Ax-lightness gravel bikes Ax-lightness mountain bikes
Concepteur de remorques et accessoires pour vélo - Ax.Bike
Eclairage pour e-bike; Eclairage sur dynamo; Rétroviseurs vélos; Compte. Paramètres. Langue. Français. English ; Nederlands #Concepteur de Pièces et d'Accessoires pour le cycle ... AX Pédales vélo pliable alu antidérapantes 9/16'' noir avec réflécteurs (1 paire) Ajouter au panier. Ajouter au comparateur ...
IMPRESSION AX | Polygon Bikes
Built around an alloy frame, the Impression AX is designed with an upright position, low stand over height, and with tough 27.5” mountain bikes wheels. Polygon Impression AX is the perfect choice for riders who want to share one bike on their commute or …