Accuracy International AX50 - Wikipedia
The Accuracy International AX50 is a .50 BMG anti-materiel rifle manufactured by British firearms company Accuracy International. Devised as an upgrade to the AW50 rifle, the AX50 is built to withstand sustained, heavy usage and constant military deployment.
Axe .410 | Henry Repeating Arms
With a barrel length of just under 16” and an overall length of just over 26” the Axe can be stored in far more places than your average shotgun. The barrel is topped off with a brass bead front sight, or a super bright fiber optic bead on the X Model variant, and the muzzle end is internally threaded for invector style chokes.
精密國際AX50狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
精密國際AX50(英語: Accuracy International AX 50 )是一款由英国槍械製造商精密國際所生產的遠距離、大威力.50口徑重型狙击步枪(反器材步槍),為精密國際AX系列狙擊步槍的槍械之一,在2010年1月位於美国 内华达州 拉斯維加斯舉辦的SHOT Show(美國著名槍展)上 ...
Accuracy International Rifles & Accessories For Sale | Accuracy ...
Accuracy International (AI) manufactures the leading lines of finest sniper and target shooting rifles and its list includes AX rifles, AT rifles, AICS Chassis System, AX50, and associated rifle accessories.
精密国际AX50狙击步枪 - 百度百科
精密国际AX50 (英语: Accuracy International AX 50 )是 英国 精密国际 生产的远距离、大威力.50 口径 重型 狙击步枪 ( 反器材步枪 ),为精密国际AX狙击步枪系列的枪械之一,在2010年1月位于 美国 内华达州 拉斯维加斯 举办的 SHOT SHOW (美国著名枪展)上首次推出。
AX ELR .50 BMG anti materiel sniper rifle system
The latest .50 BMG AX ELR anti materiel rifle features enhancements to match the far-reaching tactical demands of military and law enforcement users worldwide.
Accuracy International AX Rifles - Mile High Shooting
The Accuracy International AX Rifle System is a Short-Action platform based on AI's AW rifles. The AX Rifle is a highly accurate long-range Sniper Rifle. Shop Now!
Accuracy International AX50 ELR - EuroOptic.com
Building on the success of Accuracy International ’s AXMC and AX50 rifle platforms, the new AX50 ELR .50 BMG Rifle combines the best of both to provide AI’s first extreme long range multi-caliber rifle.
Accuracy International AX50 Rifle - Rifleman Firearms
Designed to withstand constant military deployment, the AX50 long range anti matériel rifle from Accuracy International is based on the DNA of the battle proven AW50.
Accuracy International AX50 Rifle For Sale 50 BMG 29030BL
Shop Hinterland Outfitters for the Accuracy International AX50 ELR Rifle 29030BL, 50 BMG, 27", Folding Chassis, Elite Sand, 10 Rds. We carry the full range of Accuracy International rifles and accessories at the best prices!