Arizona AFO
Arizona AFO has been a premiere fabricator of custom-made ankle foot orthoses since 1994. All Arizona AFO products are designed, developed, manufactured and tested in the United States.
The Arizona Brace is the only patented, clinically tested ankle brace of its kind for the treatment of posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction and other disorders of the foot.
Ankle Foot Orthoses - Hanger Clinic
The AFO evaluation process includes an assessment of muscle strength and joint mobility, careful examination of an individual’s walking pattern, and thoughtful consideration of any underlying disease processes.
Correct Coding of Arizona-Type AFO - Össur
2020年11月10日 · The DME MACs released an article with updated information about billing the Arizona-Type Ankle-Foot Orthosis. For the Arizona Short and Arizona Tall, or similar custom fabricated braces, only the following codes should be used:
Arizona AFO | Mesa AZ - Facebook
Arizona AFO manufactures a line of medical ankle braces for the treatment of foot disorders. The Arizona AFO line is used by physicians and practitioners as a way to increase mobility, avoid pain, avoid surgery, and provide a better quality of life.
Arizona-Type - Correct Coding - REVISED - JD DME - Noridian …
2020年10月22日 · Arizona AFO is a company that manufactures a line of custom fabricated ankle-foot orthoses. Other companies manufacture similar products. The Pricing, Data Analysis, and Coding (PDAC) contractor has listed the Arizona AFO line of products on the Product Classification List (PCL)
Forms - Arizona AFO
2019年5月26日 · Arizona AFO has been a premiere fabricator of custom-made ankle foot orthoses since 1994. All Arizona AFO products are designed, developed, manufactured and tested in the United States.
Products - Arizona AFO
Arizona AFO has been a premiere fabricator of custom-made ankle foot orthoses since 1994. All Arizona AFO products are designed, developed, manufactured and tested in the United States.
PRODUCT CATALOG - Arizona AFO - PDF Catalogs - MedicalExpo
The Arizona Brace® is prescribed to stabilize the ankle, talocalcaneal, midtarsal and subtalar joints. Often copied but never equaled, the Arizona Brace® is the only custom AFO proven in clinical trials to effectively treat Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD) as an …
Arizona Brace
The Arizona Brace ® is our original design and still remains our most popular for comfort and stability. The Arizona Brace is prescribed to stabilize the ankle, talocalcaneal, midtarsal and subtalar joints.