Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi mount - EQ mode setup & limits
2020年4月11日 · My question is what makes you think that you can get 2 minutes exposures as sharp as you seem to want/expect on what is a Alt/Az mount by turning it to some angle. …
Sky-Watcher AZ-GTI in Equatorial Mode [Setup & User Guide]
2021年9月3日 · Today, with the Sky-Watcher Az-GTI mount (not to be confused with the Az-GTE version), you can build a portable, fully computerized setup for astrophotography that could put …
AZ-GTi mount in equatorial mode - STARLIGHTHUNTER
2019年12月14日 · Among the options available, some people recommended me to take a look at the AZ-GTi. A very compact and lightweight altazimuthal mount, with GOTO system, but, with …
AZ-GTi Mount - Sky-Watcher USA
Sky-Watcher’s AZ-GTi is the perfect tracking platform for those seeking a compact travel mount capable of both alt-az GoTo alignment and video timelapse. Boasting a payload capacity of 11 …
Equatorial Wedges for AZ-GTi - Mounts - Cloudy Nights
2020年8月4日 · I got AZ-GTI back in April 2020, and as you know, it does not come with a wedge, since it is originally not made for the equatorial mode. I still had and have the Sky-Watcher …
Skywatcher AZ GTi Polar Alignment Process - Cloudy Nights
2019年2月18日 · My plan is to purchase the Skywatcher AZ GTi to primarily use in EQ mode for deep space photography. My question is, I want to get the best polar alignment possible...is …
Sky-Watcher | Sky-Watcher Global Website
Sky-Watcher’s AZ-GTi is the perfect tracking platform for those seeking a compact travel mount capable of both Alt-Az Go-To alignment and video timelapse. Boasting a payload capacity of …
AZ GTi in EQ mode accuracy - Discussions - Mounts ...
2020年9月12日 · I have the AZ GTi mount and yesterday swapped everything over to EQ mode, but the accuracy I got last night was pretty appauling after alignment (a lot worse than the …
AZ-GTi in EQ mode - Discussions - Mounts - Stargazers Lounge
2020年5月19日 · I am having fun imaging DSOs using "lucky imaging" or more accurately "lucky tracking" techniques, but I am limited by the fact my AZ-GTi is in AZ mode. I would like to …
Monture AZ GTI ou AZGTI ou AZGTi - Astronomie en Visuel ...
2022年1月27日 · Profitant de la couverture nuageuse, je me permets de démarrer un nouveau post pour regrouper toutes les informations utiles et les expériences utiles concernant cette …