Arizona Custom Knives - something to watch out for
2017年3月3日 · The cause for concerns comes up with the fact that these modified knives are listed for sale right next to not only work done by the aforementioned service providers but …
Arizona Custom Knives Thoughts - BladeForums.com
2024年1月18日 · Arizona Custome Knives is a site where anyone can post their knives for sale. I noticed that most of the knives are marked "previously owned." I assume that people buy …
BladeRunner Knives in Tucson AZ Great Store! - BladeForums.com
2006年8月17日 · :thumbup: Owner Richard Zwibel is one heck of a nice, if soft spoken guy, to deal in my experience:thumbup:. While on a trip to visit a friend in Tucson last year I had the …
Please help me identify this silver handled Bowie from AZ
1999年10月1日 · Blade says J. Robert Monteith, Youngtown AZ 85363. The handle is solid silver and is hand engraved and inlaid rather crudely with what appears to be turquoise, onyx and …
arizona custom knives | BladeForums.com
2024年4月19日 · Have a real beef with Arizona Custom Knives. Purchased a rare Kiko Matsuda knife and paid for it. It was almost $800. Later they told me that they did not actually have the …
Knifemakers in the Phoenix AZ area? | BladeForums.com
2008年12月5日 · Here are some names from Knives 2009 you could search on in greater Pheonix: Tim Hancock Ray Rybar Bob Karp Robert Hankins Michael Snare Michael Tamboli …
SPK Lamia (GONE) and JRB Gator FS | BladeForums.com
2012年7月24日 · FSOT $725 GONE and shipped in US. Only trade would be my Gen 4 Lamia for a Gen 1 or Gen 2 Lamia unmodified and in excellent condition. The Gen 4 is in excellent …
Can a felon carry a knife in Arizona and elsewhere?
2010年7月8日 · Blade length is not mentioned in state law. The only knives that are illegal to carry are switch blade knives, ballistic knives and double-edged knives. The cities of Boston, …
Handmade Knife by Bob Ham - BladeForums.com
2009年8月11日 · I just got this handmade knife from Bob Ham at a gun show today. Bob currently lives in Payson, AZ and makes all of his knives by hand. He had about 20 different knives at …
Knife Makers near Flagstaff, AZ | BladeForums.com
2008年11月23日 · As for local makers, the closest guy I can vouch for is Mike Kiley out of Chino Valley, "Rockin' K Knives." I've bought a few of his knives at shows, and they have made …