AA-52 machine gun - Wikipedia
The AA-52 (full designation in French: Arme Automatique Transformable Modèle 1952, "Transformable automatic weapon model 1952") is one of the first French-produced guns of the post–World War II era. It was manufactured by the French government-owned Manufacture d'armes de Saint-Étienne (MAS) company.
AA-52通用机枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AA-52 (法语: Arme Automatique Transformable Modèle 1952,英语: Transformable automatic weapon model 1952,意为:可转换模式的自动武器1952年)是由 法国 自 二战 过后研制的第一款 通用机枪,主要是由圣-艾蒂安兵工厂(法语: Manufacture d'Armes de St-Etienne plant,其中一间法国政府辖下的一些国营武器工厂,简称:MAS)所生产,发射 7.5×54毫米法国 …
AA-52通用機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AA-52 (法語: Arme Automatique Transformable Modèle 1952,英語: Transformable automatic weapon model 1952,意為:可轉換模式的自動武器1952年)是由 法国 自 二战 過後研製的第一款 通用機槍,主要是由圣-艾蒂安兵工廠(法語: Manufacture d'Armes de St-Etienne plant,其中一間法國政府轄下的一些國營武器工廠,簡稱:MAS)所生產,發射 7.5×54毫米法國 …
AA-52 machine gun | Military Wiki | Fandom
The AA-52 (full designation in French: Arme Automatique Transformable Modèle 1952, "Transformable automatic weapon model 1952"), also known as "La Nana" is one of the first French-produced guns of the post-World War II era. It was manufactured by the French government-owned MAS company.
French AA-52 - Forgotten Weapons
The AA52 is a French light machine gun using a lever-delayed blowback mechanism. It was adopted in 1952, and later replaced by the FN Minimi and FN MAG.
MAS AAT-52 (Arme Automatique Transformable Modele 1952) …
2017年7月29日 · Introduced in 1952, the AAT-52 ("Arme Automatique Transformable Modele 1952") became the standardized General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) of the French Army and its colonial forces worldwide.
AA52 French GPMG For The Cold War And Beyond - YouTube
2022年5月27日 · The experience of WW2 made it obvious to the French that a modular GPMG was a far more sensible concept than the role specific MGs and LMGs used until 1940 and that the advances in firearms ...
通用機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
通用機槍 (英文: general purpose machine gun-GPMG),也叫轻重两用机枪,是一種多用途的 機槍,可執行 輕機槍 及 中型機槍 的任務 [1],採輕型機槍設定時,可由單人攜帶。
MAS AA-52 - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The MAS AA-52 is a general purpose machine gun designed by MAC (Manufacture d'armes de Châtellerault) and manufactured by MAS (Manufacture d'armes de Saint-Étienne) as a universal machine gun for French military forces. Although largely superseded by the FN Minimi in infantry use, the AA-52 continues to be a common mounted weapon on vehicles.
AA52 French GPMG For The Cold War And Beyond
The experience of WW2 made it obvious to the French that a modular GPMG was a far more sensible concept than the role specific MGs and LMGs used until 1940 and that the advances in firearms manufacturing provided an ideal opportunity to fully embrace the concept.