An AAAA–DDDD quadruple hydrogen-bond array - Nature
2011年2月21日 · Here, we describe a readily accessible AAAA–DDDD quadruple hydrogen-bonding array that exhibits exceptionally strong binding for a small-molecule hydrogen-bonded complex in a range of...
AAAA–DDDD Quadruple H-Bond-Assisted Ionic Interactions: …
2019年11月30日 · Find more information on the Altmetric Attention Score and how the score is calculated.
2011年2月21日 · Here, we describe a readily accessible AAAA–DDDD quadruple hydrogen-bonding array that exhibits exceptionally strong binding for a small-molecule hydrogen-bonded complex in a range of...
【Excel】曜日の日本語表記と英語表記【「aaa」や「ddd」を使 …
2021年2月11日 · 日本語の表記や、英語の表記で、曜日を取得するには、表示形式に「aaa」や「ddd」を使います。 具体的な例を挙げて、解説していきます。
Keyboarding Homerow Flashcards | Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like aaaa, ssss, dddd and more.
Attractive arrays - Nature Chemistry
2011年2月21日 · The AAAA–DDDD configuration is, therefore, the only one in which all secondary interactions are reinforcing and, as a result, is expected to be the most stable of the six possible...
AAAA-DDDD Quadruple Hydrogen-Bond Arrays Featuring NH···N …
Here, we describe a readily accessible AAAA-DDDD quadruple hydrogen-bonding array that exhibits exceptionally strong binding for a small-mol. hydrogen-bonded complex in a range of different solvents (Ka > 3 x 1012 M-1 in CH2Cl2, 1.5 x 106 M-1 in CH3CN and 3.4 x 105 M-1 in 10% vol./vol. DMSO/CHCl3).
An AAAA–DDDD quadruple hydrogen-bond array - PubMed
Here, we describe a readily accessible AAAA–DDDD quadruple hydrogen-bonding array that exhibits exceptionally strong binding for a small-molecule hydrogen-bonded complex in a range of different solvents (K (a) > 3 × 10 (12) M (-1) in CH2Cl2, 1.5 × 10 (6) M (-1) in CH3CN and 3.4 × 10 (5) M (-1) in 10% v/v DMSO/CHCl3).
AAA - Login
The Automobile Club of Southern California is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the following California counties: Inyo, Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura.
2020年1月12日 · 例如,Leigh课题组在2011年报道了一类四重氢键的AAAA-DDDD型异二聚体,在低极性溶剂中达到了1012 M-1(DCM)的络合常数,但其作用随溶剂极性的增大而迅速减小。 Schmuck课题组设计的吡咯酰基胍结构,在水中生成的homo-dimer的络合常数达到了102 M-1,这一设计被认为是当前文献报道的在水相中生成的最强离子辅助氢键介导的二聚体基元结构。 …