Research | AACT Lab | University of Denver
At the AACT Lab, we conduct research on affective and cognitive processes. Some of these processes are relatively automatic and occur without effort or even consciousness. In contrast, some of these processes are more deliberate, controlled and effortful.
The lab's long-term goal is to translate new AAC access technologies, with a primary focus on BCI-AAC technologies, out of the laboratory setting and into clinical practice by informing procedures regarding AAC assessment, intervention and display design for commercially available communication access technologies (e.g., eye-gaze, switch ...
Automaticity, Affect, Control & Thought Lab | Psychology
The Automaticity, Affect, Control & Thought (AACT) Lab is an affective neuroscience laboratory committed to answering psychological questions about emotion, cognition and their interaction. Our research uses behavioral and brain-based methods to explore automatic and intentional emotion and cognition processes.
Research | Augmentative and Alternative Communication | Nebraska
The focus of the Augmentative and Alternative Communication Translation (AACT) Lab is to consider the development and implementation of AAC devices for adults and children with severe physical impairments.
Research | AAC TRANSLATION (AACT) Lab | Nebraska
To inform AAC interventions today, while laying groundwork for AAC intervention tomorrow, the AAC Translation Lab aims to support AAC access across the lifespan by: Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) may provide a direct link between an individual's neurological activity and a communicational device.
Opportunities to Participate | AAC TRANSLATION (AACT) Lab
The AAC Translation Lab is seeking volunteers to participate in our research studies. Contact us if you're interested in learning more about, and potentially participating in, our research.
Classroom Resources | Simulations | AACT
Finally, students will gain familiarity with the proper lab techniques for preparing a solution as they are lead through a step-by-step animated process demonstrating this procedure.
ACT實驗室:全球消費性產品檢測實驗室 - ACT LAB
ACT Lab 是一家獨立的第三方認可實驗室,為自行車和戶外行業進行安全和合規性測試,它與致力於在戶外運動行業實現性別平等的組織 Camber Outdoor 合作。 ACT實驗室將為Camber Outdoor Pitchfest的決賽入圍者提供有關監管合規的專家建議。
People | AACT Lab | University of Denver
As researchers in the AACT Lab, we explore the intersection of affective and cognitive processes. Learn more about our faculty, staff, graduate students and postdocs, and see a list of our lab collaborators and alumni.
AAC Translation Lab (Link) | Special Education & Communication ...
The focus of the Augmentative and Alternative Communication Translation (AACT) Lab is to consider the development and implementation of AAC devices for adults and children with severe physical impairments. Visit the Lab Website.