M58 MICLIC - Wikipedia
The M58 mine-clearing line charge (MICLIC) is a rocket -projected mine-clearing line charge used to provide a "close-in" demining capability for maneuver forces of the United States Army and Marine Corps. [1][2][3] First fielded in 1988 with United States Army Europe, [4] the MICLIC is a cable fitted with explosive charges.
2024年11月20日 · 预备马润带太多了 换点给forcerecon,然后aavp换一点给小车,开局三辆小车就可以带双联合陶双毒刺速度也够快。 飞机325的jsow换打击鹰 带4发2000jdam
「断箭」12.13开发日志:AAVP-7 MICLIC/CATFAE - 哔哩哔哩
2023年12月13日 · 本次的开发日志是AAVP-7 MICLIC/CATFAE,属于美国海军陆战队专精的单位,但本次测试未能及时放出。
「断箭」10.12开发日志:4专精大重制(马润,装甲旅,VDV,近 …
2024年10月12日 · MICLIC(排雷线形炸药Mine Clearing Line Charge) 可发射3枚装有炸药的爆破索,对建筑物内的步兵效果非常好。 CATFAE(弹射式燃料空气炸药Catapult-Arunched Fuel-Air Explosive) 可在近距离发射21枚温压火箭弹。 如您所见,美国马润专精已经获得的玩具不仅很有意思,而且与马润们的作战风格相得益彰。 按照这个逻辑,我们决定移除马润的HIMARS,将其移动到另一个专精,因为这种远程火炮与马润们作为突击部队的理念并不相符。 最后,F/A-18C …
2024年10月25日 · But most importantly a new version of the vehicle is now available in the support tab with two options: The MICLIC which can fire 3 rocket projected cables fitted with explosive charges particularly devastating against buildings and entrenched infantry. And the CATFAE which can project 21 thermobaric rockets at short range.
AAV Marines Explode MICLICs • Mine Clearing Line Charge
U.S. Marines fire MK 154 Mine Clearance Launchers from Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV)-P7/A1 during a Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) course at the AAV School, Marine Corps Base Camp...
Installation of mine clearance AAVP7A1 CATFAE (USA)
2018年3月31日 · In operation were complexes M58 MICLIC with an extended charge. The launcher for two solid-fuel exhaust engines and a container for charging were mounted on different platforms, including amphibious transporters AAVP7A1. All this equipment was installed in the troop compartment of the hull.
AAVP7A1 CATFAE两栖扫雷车,专门为抢滩登陆开辟通道 - 知乎
2023年5月16日 · 在上世纪70年代中后期,美国打算开发一种机动扫雷车,主要用于两栖登陆战时扫清障碍,最后决定在AAV(也称AAVP-7A1) 两栖突击车 的基础上进行研发,这便是AAVP7A1 CATFAE(CATFAE是Catapult-Arunched Fuel-Air Explosive的缩写)。
2023年12月13日 · 我们还提醒大家,内容和beta版本的平衡是不完整的,许多事情仍在进行中,专业之间的单位分配仍在讨论中,还有一些缺失的单位,如AAVP-7 MICLIC和CATFAE,将成为特别工作组的一部分
ARM: Review - DML 1/72 scale AAVP7A1 with MICLIC
2007年8月21日 · Research showed that a strip about 300-400 feet long and 15-30 feet wide could be relatively reliably cleared with this system. The British called theirs Giant Viper, the Soviets built one using a modified 2S1 "Gvozdika" 122mm SP howitzer chassis, and the US fielded the MICLIC (MIne Cleaering LIne Charge.)
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