Arabidopsis molybdenum cofactor sulfurase ABA3 contributes …
Nov 9, 2018 · Arabidopsis ABA3 is an enzyme involved in the synthesis of the sulfurated form of the molybdenum (Mo) cofactor (MoCo), which is required for the enzymatic activity of so-called Mo enzymes...
ABA3 is a molybdenum cofactor sulfurase required for activation …
Nov 2, 2001 · ABA3 is a two-domain protein with a N-terminal NifS-like sulfurase domain and a C-terminal domain that might be involved in recognizing the target enzymes. Molecular analysis of three aba3 mutants identified mutations in both domains. ABA3 contains highly conserved binding motifs for pyridoxal phosphate and for a persulfide.
Characterization of the NifS-like Domain of ABA3 from …
Feb 11, 2005 · ABA3 is a two-domain protein with an NH2 -terminal domain sharing significant similarities to NifS proteins that catalyze the decomposition of l -cysteine to l-alanine and elemental sulfur for iron-sulfur cluster synthesis.
The Arabidopsis LOS5/ABA3 locus encodes a molybdenum cofactor ... - PubMed
The LOS5/ABA3 gene is expressed ubiquitously in different plant parts, and the expression level increases in response to drought, salt, or ABA treatment. Our results show that LOS5/ABA3 is a key regulator of ABA biosynthesis, stress-responsive gene expression, and stress tolerance.
ABA3 Is a Molybdenum Cofactor Sulfurase Required for …
Nov 2, 2001 · ABA3 is a two-domain protein with a N-terminal NifS-like sulfurase domain and a C-terminal domain that might be involved in recognizing the target enzymes. Molecular analysis of three aba3 mutants identified mutations in both domains. ABA3 contains highly conserved binding motifs for pyridoxal phosphate and for a persulfide.
molybdenum cofactor sulfurase - ricedata
脱落酸 (ABA)处理显著减少了水稻叶片中 Xoc 的增殖,表明ABA正调控水稻对 Xoc 的抗性(Liu et al. 2022)。 OsABA3 RNAi系的白叶枯病抗性增强,接种菌株PXO99后形成的病斑长度显著短于野生型,表明抑制脱落酸 (ABA)生物合成导致白叶枯病抗性增强(Zhang et al. 2019)。 ABA3可以将钼辅因子 (Moco)从脱硫形式转化为磺基形式,这一过程需要维生素B6作为辅因子。 磺基形式的Moco是醛氧化酶 AAO3 催化脱落醛转化为ABA所必需的(Liu et al. 2022)。 1.
拟南芥钼辅因子硫酸酶ABA3以ABA依赖和独立的 ... - X-MOL
Arabidopsis ABA3 is an enzyme involved in the synthesis of the sulfurated form of the molybdenum (Mo) cofactor (MoCo), which is required for the enzymatic activity of so-called Mo enzymes such as aldehyde oxidase (AO) and xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH).
Binding of Sulfurated Molybdenum Cofactor to the C-terminal …
Apr 11, 2008 · In this work, we report the biochemical and functional characterization of the C-terminal domain (ABA3-CT) of the Moco sulfurase ABA3 from A. thaliana. We assayed the protein for bound molecules that might be transferred to the ABA3 target enzymes AO and XDH.
Arabidopsis molybdenum cofactor sulfurase ABA3 contributes …
Nov 9, 2018 · Arabidopsis ABA3 is an enzyme involved in the synthesis of the sulfurated form of the molybdenum (Mo) cofactor (MoCo), which is required for the enzymatic activity of so-called Mo enzymes such as aldehyde oxidase (AO) and xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH).
Here we report the cloning of the aba3 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana and the bio-chemical characterization of the purified protein. ABA3 is a two-domain protein with a N-terminal NifS-like sul-furase domain and a C-terminal domain that might be involved in …