Abbathor - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Abbathor (pronounced: /ˈæbbɑːθɔːr/ ÆB-ba-thor [18] listen or: /ˈɑːbbɑːθɔːr/ AB-bah-thor [19]) was the neutral evil dwarven god of greed [14] and for a time in the 1400s DR an exarch of Bane. [20] The Great Master of Greed represented the major weakness of …
Abbathor, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities | The Thieves Guild
Abbathor is the evil dwarven god of greed and an exarch of Bane. He is an intensely greedy deity and is both desirous and envious of others' riches. Abbathor and his followers believe in the acquisition of all forms of wealth by any and all means necessary. Abbathor wasn't always evil.
Abbathor | Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki | Fandom
In many campaign settings for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Abbathor is the dwarven deity of greed. His holy symbol is a jewelled dagger. Abbathor manifests as a very large dwarf, fat and piggy-eyed. He wears leather and furs made from those non-dwarves who have opposed him in the past.
阿巴索Abbathor | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
Abbathor (AB-bah-thor) the Avaricious is the dwarven god of greed, venerated by most evil dwarves and nearly all evil dwarven thieves. He represents the worst aspect and major weakness of dwarven character.
Abbathor | Forgotten Realms Cormyr Wiki | Fandom
Abbathor’s secret, windowless subterranean temples feature sacrificial altars of massive stone blocks blackened by countless fires. Commonly painted with gold leaf and filled with purloined valuables, strangers-frequently confuse Abbathoran temples for treasure chambers, a problem that has resulted in more than a few adventuring parties ...
Abbathor - Search - D&D Beyond
nothing of value so far. Behind the settlement, carved into the back wall of the canyon, is an old temple of Abbathor, the evil dwarven god of greed. During solar eclipses, Abbathor is appeased with
Abbathor (MoMy) | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition …
Abbathor (Intermediate God) Abbathor embodies the principle of greed which is the major weakness of the dwarven race. He has an insatiable lust for treasure, especially gold. He is tolerated by the other gods because he has sided with …
Abbathor - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Abbathor is the only advocate for change within the dwarven pantheon. He can inspire dwarves to seek shortcuts, normally frowned upon, but sometimes those methods turn out to be efficient techniques that improve a clan's capabilities.
Abbathor - The Draconus Dictum
Abbathor teaches that greed isn’t only desirable, but necessary to keep the dwarves in a strong and safe position. He is the only advocate for change within the dwarven pantheon, not stability, often inspiring dwarves to seek shortcuts – a pursuit that is culturally frowned upon.
Abbathor - Greyhawk Wiki
Abbathor is the dwarven deity of Greed. His holy symbol is a jewelled dagger. Abbathor manifests as a very large dwarf, fat and piggy-eyed. He wears leather and furs made from those non-dwarves who have opposed him in the past.