ABE VR on Steam
2016年6月23日 · ABE VR is an intense experience that recreates the horrifying story about a misguided robot seeking the unconditional love of humans…at whatever cost. Created in Unreal Engine, and continuing our filmmaking in virtual reality, ABE VR is based on ABE the multi-award winning short film, and planned feature film, written and directed by Rob ...
ABE VR on Oculus Rift | Rift VR Games - Meta
ABE VR is an intense experience that recreates the horrifying story about a misguided robot seeking the unconditional love of humans…at whatever cost. Created in Unreal Engine, and continuing our filmmaking in virtual reality, ABE VR is based on ABE the multi-award winning short film, and planned feature film, written and directed by Rob ...
Oculus Rift 的 ABE VR | Rift VR 遊戲 - Meta
ABE VR is an intense experience that recreates the horrifying story about a misguided robot seeking the unconditional love of humans…at whatever cost. Created in Unreal Engine, and continuing our filmmaking in virtual reality, ABE VR is based on ABE the multi-award winning short film, and planned feature film, written and directed by Rob ...
ABE VR - 百度百科
《 abe vr 》是2016年6月上线的一部真正意义上的vr 微电影 。 该片走恐怖血腥路线,这部虚拟现实恐怖体验由Hammerhead VR制作,同时支持Oculus和HTC Vive。 这部作品由罗布麦克莱伦(Rob McLellan)执导,将会为观众展示虚拟现实的所能带来的恐怖沉浸感。
2016年9月27日 · 今年六月,由英国虚拟现实内容公司Hammerhead VR制作推出的科幻恐怖短片《ABE》的VR短片得到了英国电影分级委员会(BBFC)的15级(适合15岁及以上青少年及成人观看)评级,这也是第一部受到评级的VR作品。
Review: ‘ABE VR’ Puts You at the Mercy of a Robot’s ... - Road to VR
2016年5月2日 · ABE VR is a new VR film, the first in a series of immersive narrative experiences from London and Newcastle based Hammerhead VR, that puts you in the place of ABE’s female victim from the...
《ABE VR》第一款被 BBFC 列入限制级别的 VR 游戏,现已发布
2016年6月23日 · 而其中一款名叫《abe vr》恐怖游戏,目前宣布已经获得了英国董事会电影分级(bbfc)类别的第一个 vr 奖项。 这款游戏虽然只有 2D 版本,但是已经被列为血腥暴力和恐怖的分类,15 岁以上才可以玩的评级。
ABE VR - Virtual Reality Wiki
ABE VR is an intense experience that recreates the horrifying story about a misguided robot seeking the unconditional love of humans…at whatever cost. Created in Unreal Engine, and continuing our filmmaking in virtual reality, ABE VR is based on ABE the multi-award winning short film, and planned feature film, written and directed by Rob ...
ABE VR - Steam Community
ABE VR - ABE VR is an intense experience that recreates the horrifying story about a misguided robot seeking the unconditional love of humans…at whatever cost. Created in Unreal Engine, and continuing our filmmaking in virtual reality, ABE VR is based on ABE the multi-award winning short film, and planned feature film, written and directed by ...
恐怖游戏《ABE VR》让你魂不附体 - 映维网资讯
2016年5月18日 · abe是《abe vr》里面的反派角色。 这部虚拟现实恐怖体验由Hammerhead VR制作, 同时支持Oculus和HTC Vive。 这部作品由罗布麦克莱伦(Rob McLellan)执导, 将会为观众展示虚拟现实的所能带来的恐怖沉浸感。