Abishai (biblical figure) - Wikipedia
Abishai was a military leader under the biblical King David. He was the eldest son of David's sister Zeruiah. According to Josephus (Antiquities, VII, 1, 3) his father was called Suri. [1] . The meaning of his name is "Father of a gift". [2] . He was the brother of Joab and Asahel. [3]
Abishai - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Abishai (pronounced: /ˈæ b ɪ ʃ aɪ/ ÆB-i-shy listen; pl: abishai or: abishais), also known as scaly devils, were baatezu in service to the Queen of Chromatic Dragons, Tiamat. The draconic devils were, among many other roles, the guards and escorts of the Nine Hells ' captives, processing them for torture when not corrupting mortals themselves.
Abishai in the Bible: Fearless Warrior - Biblical Warfare
2022年9月19日 · Abishai, the little-known warrior who saved David’s life, was an instrumental commander in David’s military. He is not as well known as his notorious brother, Joab, but he was just as capable and just as fearless. Abishai held two prominent positions within David’s military.
Abishai Meaning - Bible Definition and References - Bible Study Tools
Abishai. father of (i.e., "desirous of") a gift, the eldest son of Zeruiah, David's sister. He was the brother of Joab and Asahel ( 2 Samuel 2:18; 1 Chronicles 2:16). Abishai was the only one who accompanied David when he went to the camp of Saul and took the spear and the cruse of water from Saul's bolster ( 1 Samuel 26:5-12).
Abishai - Encyclopedia of The Bible - Bible Gateway
Abishai first appeared with David in the wilderness of Ziph when pursued by Saul. Abishai volunteered to go with David into the center of Saul’s sleeping army. Standing by the somnolent Saul, he offered to kill him with one thrust of his sword, but David restrained him ( 1 Sam 26:6-9 ).
Abishai | The amazing name Abishai: meaning and etymology
Abishai is the son of Zeruiah, the sister of king David. Abishai's brothers are Joab and Asahel. Before Abishai becomes important in David's army (2 Samuel 10:10), he joins him on his little stunt to the sleeping king Saul (1 Samuel 26:6).
亚比筛 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
亚比筛 是公元前10世紀以色列聯合王國,是 大卫 姐姐 洗鲁雅 的长子, 约押 和 亚撒黑 的哥哥(撒母耳记下2:18;历代志上2:16),大卫的军事统帅。 亚比筛是唯一和大卫进入 扫罗 的营,在他睡着时,拿走他的枪和水瓶的人(撒母耳记上26:5-12)。 在大卫与 押沙龙 争战时,亚比筛统帅大卫三分之一的军队(撒母耳记下18:2,5,12)。 他被列为大卫勇士的首领(撒母耳记下23:18;历代志上11:20、21)。 曾举枪杀了300人(撒母耳记下23:18)。 亚比筛参加了大卫与 非利士 …
Abishai son of Zeruiah - Bible Hub
Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, is a prominent figure in the Old Testament, known for his loyalty and military prowess. He is the eldest son of Zeruiah, David's sister, making him King David's nephew. Abishai's brothers are Joab and Asahel, both of whom also played significant roles in David's military campaigns.
Unveiling The Identity Of Abishai In The Bible: Exploring The …
One such character, often overshadowed by the prominence of others, is Abishai. But who was Abishai in the Bible? Delving into the Scriptures, we unearth a fascinating tale of loyalty, bravery, and unwavering devotion.
亚比筛 - 百度百科
【亚比筛】(Abishai)《旧约》人名。 大卫姐姐洗鲁雅的儿子,与约押、亚撒黑弟兄3人皆为大卫的著名勇士(撒下2:18等)。 亚比筛为第2队3大勇士之长(撒下23:13)。