ABOLITION中文 (简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
ABOLITION翻译:(制度、习俗等的)废除。 了解更多。
Abolitionism - Wikipedia
Abolitionism, or the abolitionist movement, is the political movement to end slavery and liberate enslaved individuals around the world. The first country to fully outlaw slavery was France in 1315, but it was later used in its colonies. The first country to abolish and punish slavery for indigenous people was Spain with the New Laws in 1542.
aboli - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典
派生自 拉丁語 abolēre (“延遲,破壞,廢除”),源自 abolēscere (“凋亡,消失,停止”),源自 ab (“遠離”) + *olēre (“增加,增長”)。 aboli (現在 abolas,過去 abolis,將來 abolos,條件 …
abolition是什么意思_abolition的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸 …
Professor Eagleson called for the abolition of the Word " hereby ". 伊格里森教授主张废弃 “ 特此 ” 一词. Few people would not exult at the abolition of slavery. 奴隶制被废除了,人们无不为之欢乐鼓舞. Wilberforce raised his standard at once for the abolition of slavery in 1787. 威尔柏福斯在1787年率先倡导废除奴隶制. How to register controls and the abolition of the control register.
GitHub - Aboli-SB/notes_app
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Abolitionism in the United States - Wikipedia
In the United States, abolitionism, the movement that sought to end slavery in the country, was active from the colonial era until the American Civil War, the end of which brought about the abolition of American slavery, except as punishment for a crime, through the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution (ratified 1865).
Taiwanese grassroots movements’ demands for rep-arations, democracy, and a more inclusive social order demonstrate that aboli-tion is not a political flashpoint. Rather, abolition is an intergenerational human rights movement demanding fundamental societal transformation that shifts power to historically marginalized communities. TABLE OF ...
法语 中的 abolir 动词变位表 - Collins Online Dictionary
过去完成时 j' avais aboli tu avais aboli il/elle avait aboli nous avions aboli vous aviez aboli ils/elles avaient aboliABOLIR 动词变位表 | 柯林斯 法语 动词
aboli translation in English | French-English dictionary | Reverso
aboli translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'abolition, aboie, abois, aïoli', examples, definition, conjugation
aboli - Définition du mot - Dictionnaire Orthodidacte
Le mot aboli est une forme du verbe abolir, qui s’utilise principalement dans le domaine juridique. Abolir quelque chose, c’est mettre officiellement fin à son existence. Il peut s’agir d’une loi (abolir une loi, c’est l’ abroger), mais aussi d’une pratique plus ou moins encadrée par la loi.