About NXP - NXP Semiconductors
We design purpose-built, rigorously tested technologies that enable devices to sense, think, connect and act intelligently to improve people's daily lives. Solutions to complex autonomy, connectivity and electrification challenges for today’s safe and secure vehicles.
NXP Semiconductors - Wikipedia
NXP Semiconductors N.V. is a Dutch semiconductor manufacturing and design company with headquarters in Eindhoven, Netherlands. [2] It is the third largest European semiconductor company by market capitalization as of 2024. [ 3 ]
关于恩智浦 | NXP 半导体
我们提供安全的免接触交互,运用基于人工智能和机器学习的传感器改善医疗设备和治疗方法,推动汽车电气化和安全驾驶等可持续且环境友好的创新,打造更安全的社会。 我们设计 专门构建、经过严格测试的技术,使设备能够以智能方式感知、思考、连接和行动,从而提升人们的日常生活。 为当今需要功能安全和信息安全的车辆提供可应对复杂自动驾驶、连接和电气化挑战的解决方案。 简化的机器学习解决方案,在设备级别为工业4.0应用实现更好的决策自动化。 创新的物联 …
NXP History - NXP Semiconductors
Take a deep dive into NXP's rich history. In September 2021, NXP celebrated 15 years as a company. Watch our anniversary video. Motorola semiconductor development group founded in Phoenix, Arizona.
We Are NXP
From Austin to Toulouse, Shenzhen to Nijmegen, our people around the globe work to make our world a safer, smarter more connected place. We're reaching those goals through our technological innovations, giving back to our local communities and instilling pride in our team members. Together, we are NXP. Wij zijn NXP. 我們是恩智浦. Nous sommes NXP.
李晓鹤 | NXP 半导体
李晓鹤现任恩智浦半导体执行副总裁兼中国事业部总经理,负责管理恩智浦中国区业务及恩智浦全球电气化业务。 李晓鹤在半导体行业拥有超过20年的经验,先后任职于摩托罗拉、飞思卡尔和恩智浦半导体,工作地点包括中国、德国和荷兰。 在他的职业生涯中,曾成功地建立了多个处于不同发展阶段的全球性业务,包括扩大恩智浦在车载网络领域的领导地位、启动汽车固态照明业务、创立恩智浦电池管理部门并拓展其市场领先地位,以及在恩智浦与飞思卡尔合并后领导了恩智浦全 …
恩智浦新闻中心 | NXP 半导体
NXP Executive VP of Global Sales, Ron Martino, discusses the future of smart homes with Tomorrow's World Today. NXP CEO Kurt Sievers welcomed Apple CEO Tim Cook to discuss …
Automotive, IoT & Industrial Solutions | NXP Semiconductors
NXP is a global semiconductor company creating solutions that enable secure connections for a smarter world.
NXP社史 | NXP Semiconductors
nxpは、エッジで高度な機械学習のための専用のニューラル処理ユニットを持つi.mxアプリケーションプロセッサをデビュー。 2020 NXPはアリゾナ州の新しい窒化ガリウムFabで5Gを進歩させます。
日本 | NXP 半导体
NXP in Japan sells and distributes semiconductor products for a range of applications. Contact distributors, find jobs and locations.
New S32K5 Microcontroller Family Advances Zonal ... - NXP …
2025年3月11日 · NXP CoreRide platform. The NXP CoreRide platform marks a major step forward in helping automakers overcome software and hardware integration barriers, while scaling development efforts for new architectures in SDVs. The platform integrates NXP’s S32 compute, networking, system power management with middleware, OSes and other software from the ...
Lars Reger | NXP 半导体
作为首席技术官,Lars负责管理汽车、工业4.0、物联网 (IoT)、移动设备、连接和基础设施等重点市场的新业务活动和研发。 2008年加入恩智浦担任汽车战略主管之前,Lars对微电子行业已有深入的了解,专攻汽车领域。 1997年,他担任产品工程师,在西门子半导体开始了职业生涯。 他曾在英飞凌担任过处理和产品工程部门主管、移动系统芯片项目经理和IP管理总监。 Lars在大陆集团任职时,负责连接业务部的业务拓展和产品管理。 2012年,Lars被任命为恩智浦汽车业务首席 …
NXPジャパン - NXP Semiconductors
NXPジャパンはNXP Semiconductorsが開発および製造する車載、認証、インフラ/産業機器、コンシューマ向けのハイパフォーマンス・ミックスドシグナル製品やプロセッシング・ソリューション、高出力RF製品などを日本市場に提供しています。
产品环保合规 | NXP 半导体
恩智浦的目标是为您提供既符合法规要求又符合有害物质和矿物特定限制的环保产品。 我们的全球环保合规产品 (环保产品)部门负责监督公司产品遵守这些法规和指令: 我们与供应链密切合作,确保产品合规性相关文档齐全完备。 这些文档包括采用IPC1752模板的完整材料成分声明;采用IEC62321推荐分析技术的RoHS物质分析证书;以及采用RMI矿物管制报告模板 (CMRT)对管制矿物进行合理的原产国查询。 欢迎随时咨询有关环保产品合规的任何问题。 ©2006-2025 NXP …
NXP Semiconductors Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2024 …
2025年2月3日 · NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) is the trusted partner for innovative solutions in the automotive, industrial & IoT, mobile, and communications infrastructure markets. NXP's "Brighter Together" approach combines leading-edge technology with pioneering people to develop system solutions that make the connected world better, safer, and ...
获得聘用 | NXP 半导体
使用在线 职位列表工具,按您所处的地理位置(或心仪的地方)以及感兴趣的领域进程筛选,查看相匹配的机会。 您可以同时申请多份工作,但我们强烈建议您把重点放在技能资质与您的经验、激情相匹配的职位上。 如果在申请和招聘流程中遇到问题,请查看 人才招聘常见问题解答。 找到了合适的工作,可通过在线 职位列表工具 完成申请并直接上传简历。 请在简历中详细介绍个人经历。 我们希望看到一份有针对性的简历,其中的技能和经验与申请的具体职位的描述相符。 下 …
Environment, Health and Safety - NXP Semiconductors
NXP's data-management system tracks and calculates our environmental performance per manufacturing site. On a quarterly basis, the Sustainability Office validates the reported data for every site that: a) we own, rent, lease or manage, b) has 50 or more team members and c) is included in our financial reporting.
Environmental FAQs | NXP Semiconductors
At NXP, our goal is to provide you with environmentally preferred products that meet both regulatory requirements and your specific restrictions on hazardous substances and minerals. Below you will find answers to some of the most common questions about NXP’s products and links to details. RoHS; REACH;
Working Together with Foxconn for a Brighter Journey - NXP …
3 天之前 · NXP is a leader and the ideal partner in uniting the automotive ecosystem. They embody the fact that “brighter’ begins with autonomy, sustainability and trust. By leveraging their broad portfolio and working with them on their NXP CoreRide platform with pre-integrated software and hardware, we can accelerate software-defined vehicle ...
NXP Smarter World Videos
Find instructional, how-to trainings by the experts at NXP committed to accelerating time-to-market. Browse our extensive video library featuring our latest product demos and new technology introductions.