philosophy of mind - What is meant by abstract concepts and …
2023年4月8日 · An abstract concept is different: Abstract concepts refer to entities that have no physical or spatial constraints because they have no direct representation in the physical …
What is the definition of "abstract"? - Philosophy Stack Exchange
2023年9月13日 · There is no agreed upon definition beyond contrasting it to concrete, see SEP:"The abstract/concrete distinction has a curious status in contemporary philosophy. It is …
Is concept abstract or concrete noun - Philosophy Stack Exchange
On the one hand, "Newspaper" is abstract concept from many newspaper like "New York Times". So it should be abstract noun. But on the other hand, "Newspaper" is a physical thing, and …
Can abstract concepts be represented by types in mathematics?
2023年3月1日 · A concept is a formalized notion, that is, an idea that is objectively agreed, and usually it is written. A type is a named abstraction (e.g. all "one-digit" numbers). What is …
From what did we instantiated the concept of "Nothingness"
2021年2月15日 · So as i understand according to Aristotle's theory of abstraction every abstract concept (i.e universal) is instantiated (or abstracted) from it particulars in the outside world if …
Why do we call logical concepts abstract when logic is specific to …
2022年5月17日 · We can then abstract away from these particular particles and write down a general expression for the electrostatic force between any pair of particles, with the magnitude …
physicalism - Is the concept of information nonphysical?
2020年1月22日 · Shannon information (entropy, actually) is an abstract concept that applies first and foremost to strings over an alphabet of symbols. In that sense, it is nonphysical (I would …
set theory - Is infinity a concept or a word empty of meaning ...
2024年4月5日 · Infinity is a concept which has been clarified by mathematics. Definition 1: Two sets have the same number of elements (i.e. the same cardinality), if there is a bijective map …
Is equality an a priori concept, or only determinable through …
The only way that you could abstract the idea x = y is because you are imagining they represent numbers. The only way you can imagine numbers is because you imagine they represent …
hegel - Name of the theory where abstract concepts are …
2016年9月9日 · There are many different tastes one may embody (I don't know of any scale/range which properly "measures" or exibits this- not just within the realm of taste, but …