Osea | Acepedia | Fandom
Osea is the player character's homeland in Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War and Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. Osea is also an allied country in Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War. A view of the modern Osean capital city, Oured. Osea was formed sometime in or prior to the 19th century.
Osean Ground Defense Force | Acepedia | Fandom
The Osean Ground Defense Force (OGDF),[1][2] colloquially known as the Osean Army,[3] is the ground service branch of the Osean Defense Forces. The Army, being a critical component of the Osean military, has seen combat in several conflicts. …
Osean Maritime Defense Force | Acepedia | Fandom
The Osean Maritime Defense Force [1] (OMDF), colloquially known as the Osean Navy, [2] is the naval branch of the Osean Defense Forces. Osean ships serving under the OMDF carry the prefix OFS (Osean Federation Ship). [3] The OMDF is one of the largest naval forces in the world and its fleets have an impressive battle record.
皇牌空战7中的海军(上) - 知乎专栏
在正传系列中,ac7第一次规整了交战双方的海军力量,爱尔吉亚方面全部使用俄制战舰,omdf也同时使用“提”舰和“伯克”级两型宙斯盾舰。 “伯克”级终于成为海战场上的主角之一。
Question: Why is Osea and Usea so connected? : r/acecombat - Reddit
2021年3月14日 · Osea provides the bulk of the IUN's peacekeeping forces. They even helped with the Space Elevator. one could speculate on the deep geo-political reasons, but on the most basic level, Erusea did kinda super Pearl harbor Osea as a start to the conflict and tried to eliminate the IUN forces on the continent.
What was the point of the "traitorous" Osean forces in AC7's ... - Reddit
2024年1月2日 · An Osean AWACS is fed false information that Captain Karl is a traitor and after the mission an Osean F-16 shoots down his and Lebarthe's helicopter. This isn't because of a renegade faction like you see in Mission 17, but more because of the communication network being put into disarray after the destruction of both Osea's and Erusua's ...
Thoughts on the significance of the name Osean Air "Defence" …
2021年7月27日 · Osea is basically "America with Japanese characteristics". The obvious reason for this is to make a game with classic American themes (world police etc.) that is still familiar to Japanese audiences. I think there's more to the similarities between Osea, the …
Osean Air Defense Force | Acepedia | Fandom
The Osean Air Defense Force (as portrayed in AC5) is based on the real-world United States Air Force (USAF), bearing distinctly similar service dress uniforms, flight suits, aircraft, rank structure, and organizational structure (albeit outdated; the USAF stopped using the Air Division command level in 1992). However it should be noted that in ...
Osean Ground Defense Force - Ace Combat Wiki
The Osean Ground Defense Force (OGDF), colloquially known as the Osean Army, is the ground service branch of the Osean Defense Forces.
3rd Osean Naval Fleet - Ace Combat Wiki
The 3rd Osean Naval Fleet was a fleet division of the Osean Maritime Defense Force. It was one of the most battle-hardened forces in the Osean navy, having served in both the Belkan War and Circum-Pacific War. The fleet's flagship was the Hubert-class aircraft carrier Kestrel, and …