Matias Torres | Acepedia - Fandom
Torres is the main antagonist of the Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown DLC missions "Unexpected Visitor", "Anchorhead Raid", and "Ten Million Relief Plan". Torres entered the Federal Erusean Naval War College on January 4, 1991, after earning his undergraduate degree. He then enlisted with the Erusean Navy on December 15, 1994.
马提亚斯·托雷斯 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
马提亚斯·托雷斯 (英语: Matias Torres;日语: マティアス・トーレス)是由project aces所制作的游戏《皇牌空战7:未知空域》及其衍生作品的登场角色。 潜水航空巡洋舰“天角兽号”舰长. 2004年时为战列舰“唐纳雀号”舰长,2015年成为天角兽号舰长,被总监河野一聪形容为“系列中最邪恶的人”。 由于某段发言被玩家称为“白床单舰长”。 1991年入读海军战争学院。 1994年加入艾尔吉亚海军,并于1996至2003年之间 服 上 役 了 于六艘不同的军舰。 1997年尤吉亚(Usea)大 …
Matias Torres | Villains Wiki - Fandom
Matias Torres is a major antagonist in the Ace Combat series, specifically the main antagonist of the mission "Invincible Fleet" of Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies and the main antagonist of the three DLC missions of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. Formerly known as …
皇牌空战7登场人物简介附相关剧情 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
天角兽舰长:Matias Torres. 官方简介:潜水艇“天角兽”的舰长,在“天角兽”服役前的一次海试中失踪了,在698天后,他和潜艇一起从海底生还。
I compiled all of Captain Torres’s best lines, I’m gonna ... - Reddit
2019年12月2日 · Inspired by movies like Top Gun, the franchise is notable for its character-driven storytelling, expansive aircraft rosters, unmatched gameplay, and amazing soundtracks. I compiled all of Captain Torres’s best lines, I’m gonna do one for the LRSSG + David because making separate videos for each Osean when there’s only 3 missions seems like a waste.
Explain this to a new fan : r/acecombat - Reddit
During the first or second mission of the DLC missions, Trigger (Protagonist of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown) is successful in his mission and thus tampers with Mattias Torres' plans. During a monologue sequence, Torres is heard ranting about Three Strikes/Trigger "walked with his dirty boots over the crisp white sheets of the bed I had just made!"
What started Matias Torres' descent into madness? : r/acecombat - Reddit
2023年10月27日 · In 2010 he was put under house arrest for "disseminating dangerous ideas" in a Naval War College. I think the reason behind what happen in AC7 are due to the 2 years spent at the bottom of the sea.
[閒聊] Captain Torres是殺人狂還是潛瘋了? - 看板C_Chat - PTT網 …
2023年6月25日 · Captain Torres是AC7 潛艇Alicorn的船長, 在Erusea被稱為the Hero of comberth Harbor因為它出色的船艦指揮能力, 讓他指揮下受損嚴重的船得到很好的損管而得到這個稱號。 同時他也是一個老練的海軍砲手, 喜歡說他以前在風浪很大天侯不佳的時候還是有辦法 …
踢开模糊的地表,向群青之青加力冲刺——简评《皇牌空战7:未知空域 …
笔者并没有玩过皇牌空战系列的正统前作,但皇牌空战的世界观与故事还是深深吸引着笔者这个“云玩家”,《皇牌空战7》(以下简称AC7)发售后,本人第一时间购入了游戏,目前已经通关了全四种难度,并刷出了所有冠名机涂装以及全部机体配件。 和以前接触过的“渣突”一样,AC7在飞行操作模式上有两个选项:第一个简易模式类似于车辆驾驶,不能进行横滚等常规空战机动操作,比较适合从来没有尝试过飞行类游戏的玩家进行初期体验;第二个专业模式则是模拟实际飞行器的 …
Matias Torres - Ace Combat Wiki
Torres is the main antagonist of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown 's DLC missions: " Unexpected Visitor," " Anchorhead Raid," and "Ten Million Relief Plan". Torres entered the Federal Erusean Naval War College on January 4, 1991, after earning his undergraduate degree. He was then commissioned as an officer in the Erusean Navy on December 15, 1994.
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