Acquisition Category (ACAT) | www.dau.edu
ACAT II programs are programs that do not meet the criteria for ACAT I and are estimated by the DoD Component head to require an eventual total expenditure for RDT&E of more than $200 million (FY 2020 constant dollars) or, for procurement, of more than $920 million (FY 2020 constant dollars).
Acquisition Categories (ACATs) | Adaptive Acquisition Framework
All major capability acquisition pathway programs are designated by an ACAT. The ACAT identifies the program’s MDA, required processes, and documents. The details regarding ACATs, decision authority and associated policy are presented in Appendix 3A. Reference Source: DoDI 5000.85 Appendix 3A
Acquisition Category (ACAT) - AcqNotes
2024年2月29日 · There are three (3) Acquisition Categories (ACAT): ACAT I, ACAT II, and ACAT III. ACAT I programs have the highest level of oversight, with ACAT II and ACAT III programs having decreasing levels of oversight. ACAT I programs have three sub …
ACAT III | www.dau.edu
ACAT III programs are defined as those acquisition programs that do not meet the dollar value thresholds for ACAT II or above, and is not designated a “major system” by the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA). The MDA is designated by the Component Acquisition Executive.
Do You Know Your Acquisition Categories (ACAT)? - DAU
2020年9月23日 · This appendix provides descriptions, dollar thresholds, decision authority, and (where appropriate), the statutory requirement. A particularly handy reference in this Appendix 3A is Table 1. Description and Decision Authority for ACAT I – III Programs.
Milestone Requirements Matrix - AcqNotes
The Defense Acquisition System divides acquisition programs into four (4) Acquisition Categories (ACAT): ACAT 1, ACAT 1A, ACAT 2 or ACAT 3. The table below lists the mandatory deliverables (Regulatory & Statutory) at certain milestones for each ACAT type.
Acquisition programs with ACAT designations have clearly defined programmatic requirements in applicable DoD and Department of the Navy (DoN) guidelines, regulations and directives.
2020年8月6日 · Purpose: In accordance with DoD Directive (DoDD) 5135.02, this issuance establishes policy and prescribes procedures that guide the acquisition of major capability acquisition programs, including major defense acquisition programs (MDAPs); other programs categorized as acquisition category (ACAT) I; major systems, usually categorized as ACAT II;...
ACATs are defined in DoDI 5000.85 for MCAs. MTAs and SWPs use an “equivalent” ACAT. DBS pathway programs use BCAT designation defined in DoDI 5000.75. DASA-CE will develop cost estimates IAW OSD CA and DASA-CE policy for all programs where the AAE is the MDA/DA.
Defense Acquisitions: Better Approach Needed to Account for …
In September 2023, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)) signed a memo requiring military services and components to provide program data listed in the Acquisition Visibility Data Framework to USD(A&S) for all acquisition categories (ACAT), to include ACAT II and III programs.