IWI Galil ACE - Wikipedia
The IWI Galil ACE, also marketed as IWI ACE (or simply ACE), is a series of assault rifles and battle rifles originally developed and manufactured by Israel Weapon Industries (IWI). It is produced in three different calibres: 5.56×45mm NATO, 7.62×39mm and 7.62×51mm NATO. IWI US also produced semi-automatic only variants of the Galil ACE.
IWI加利爾ACE突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2013年—《战地4》:型號為ACE 23、ACE 52、ACE 21和ACE 53: ACE 23命名為「ACE 23」(中文版則命名為「ACE 23突擊步槍」),發射 5.56×45毫米 NATO 子彈,被歸類為 突击步枪,載彈量35+1發,初始攜彈量為144發。
Galil ACE Series | Modernized Semi-Auto Rifles | IWI US
Drawing inspiration from the legendary Russian AK-47 and the Finnish Valmet RK 62, the IWI Galil ACE updated those original Galil standards to modern international one. Optics and …
Click to read technical data for GALIL ACE23. Details include caliber, rifling, barrel length, weight, and rate of fire.
IWI Galil Ace Firearms - Shop Now | Palmetto State Armory
Order IWI Galil Ace Firearms right here at your source for buying guns online. Shop and Save Today at Palmetto State Armory!
GALIL ACE | IWI ACE Product Line
Product line for IWI ACE including GALIL ACE and ACE23. Ultimate assault weapon for armies and agents. Click to read product details and features.
IWI US Galil Ace Gen 2 | Modernized AK Rifles
Drawing inspiration from the legendary Russian AK-47 and the Finnish Valmet RK 62, the IWI Galil family has been continuously improved, resulting in today’s Galil ACE GEN II series. Available in several calibers and barrel lengths, they are …
IWI Galil ACE For Sale - Omaha Outdoors
The IWI Galil Ace rifle uses polymer construction to lighten the load, and has a side-folding adjustable, telescoping buttstock with a two-position removable comb, and fully adjustable iron sights. For CQB action, the IWI Galil Ace pistol has the same high-performance features, wrapped in a compact package for flawless maneuvering in tight spaces.
ACE 23 - Battlefield Wiki
The ACE 23 is the primary Assault rifle variant of the family, chambering 5.56 x 45mm NATO like the ACE 22 and ACE 21, but sporting a barrel length of 460mm. The ACE 23 is an Assault rifle featured in Battlefield 4. The ACE 23 is available to the Assault kit upon completing the Assault Expert gold tier assignment.
ACE 23 - FirearmCentral Wiki
The ACE 23 is an Israeli assault rifle developed from the Galil AR. Variants ACE 21 Compact model in 5.56x45mm. ACE 22 Carbine model in 5.56x45mm. ACE 23 Rifle model in 5.56x45mm. ACE 31 Carbine model in 7,62x39mm. ACE 32 Rifle model in 7,62x39mm. ACE 52 Short Carbine model in 7.62x51mm. ACE 52L Carbine model in 7.62x51mm. ACE 53 Rifle model in ...