ACBAR represents and serves NGOs in Afghanistan since 1988. Our mission is to provide an efficient platform for members to carry out effective humanitarian and development activities in …
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ACBAR is only responsible for announcing jobs, for more information regarding any specific job, please contact organizations. #
Gial Ackbar - Wookieepedia | Fandom
Gial Ackbar was a male Mon Calamari veteran soldier and prominent revolutionary leader during the Clone Wars, the Galactic Civil War, the Cold War, and the war between the Resistance …
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Admiral Ackbar - Wikipedia
Fleet Admiral Gial Ackbar is a fictional character from the Star Wars franchise. A member of the amphibious Mon Calamari species, Ackbar was the foremost military commander of the Rebel …
Gial Ackbar | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom
Gial Ackbar fue un veterano soldado mon calamari y un líder revolucionario durante las Guerras Clon, la Guerra Civil Galáctica, y el conflicto entre la Resistencia y la Primera Orden. A lo …
Admiral Ackbar - StarWars.com
A veteran commander, Ackbar led the defense of his oceanic home world, Mon Cala, during the Clone Wars, and the Rebel cruiser assault of the Battle of Endor during the war against the …
贾尔·阿克巴 | 星球大戰百科全書 | Fandom
贾尔·阿克巴(英文:Gial Ackbar)是一名蒙-卡马里老兵与革命领袖。他曾参与过克隆人战争、银河内战、冷战和抵抗组织-第一秩序战争。
阿克巴上将(Admiral Ackbar) - Databank - 星球大战中文网 Star …
2009年7月6日 · The commander of the Alliance Fleet, Admiral Ackbar led the Rebel capital ships into the Battle of Endor. A member of the Mon Calamari species, Ackbar and his people …
society in all the main provincial cities in Afghanistan. ACBAR also created the Twinning Programme for national NGOs to be supported and. mentored by International NGOs in the …
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