Aclar® Barrier Films - Honeywell
Honeywell Aclar® clear barrier films have been the industry leader and trusted choice in PCTFE high moisture barrier pharmaceutical and medical packaging for more than 40 years. Aclar thermoform films help manufacturers avoid failed stabilities from package integrity, while creating attention-grabbing, differentiated and economical packaging ...
含氟聚合物薄膜(ACLAR® Films)_海德创业(北京)生物科技有 …
Aclar® 薄膜是一种聚三氟氯乙烯 (PCTFE) 材料,由于其出色的阻水性能和化学稳定性而广泛应用于医药包装和其他许多应用。 它如水晶般透明,生化性能稳定,抗化学腐蚀性强,不易燃,不含增塑剂和稳定剂。
Aclar/PVC 复合膜以及PVdC 是最普遍热成型泡罩包装材料。 在任何给定厚度情况下,Aclar 膜表现出最高的防潮性能。如 果需要隔绝氧气,可以采用复合EVOH甚至PVdC的解决方案。 高阻隔和超高防潮阻隔膜范围始于51 微米厚的Aclar 薄膜或 120g PVdC 涂层薄膜。
Honeywell Aclar® film is a high moisture barrier thermoformable blister film that has been used to pack some of the world’s most successful pharmaceutical oral solid dosage products in both their innovator and generic forms.
Aclar® UltRx 2000 (2.00 Mil/51 μm) - Honeywell
Aclar ® 是一种透明的聚氯三氟乙烯(PCTFE)药品包装薄膜,适用于泡罩包装。 Aclar ® 的卓越防潮阻隔层,能很好地保护您的药品,使其安全畅销全球各地,包括热带区域。
Developed by Honeywell, Aclar® is a clear, high-barrier poly-chloro-tri-fluoro-ethylene (PCTFE) thermoformable material used in oral solid dose blister packaging, a common pharmaceutical package. Additionally, Aclar is also used in primary and secondary packages of medical devices.
热成型防潮阻隔薄膜,比如霍尼韦尔的Aclar® 薄膜。使 用这些高阻隔热成型薄膜可以增加在最严峻的气候地区 也能提供一个令人满意的保质期的可能性,制药公司可 以借助热成型平台在全球范围内销售产品。高阻隔薄膜
材料巨头霍尼韦尔的Aclar®泡罩包装在技术可回收性方面得到了认 …
Aclar®是一种超高阻隔膜,是50多年来 医药包装 的行业领导者和值得信赖的选择。 这层薄膜是霍尼韦尔生命科学组合的一部分,包括Aclar Edge™瓶。 该公司的Aclar®薄膜和Aclar Edge™瓶都有助于保护药物,通过提供药物稳定性和保存药物疗效所需的水分屏障保护 ...
首页 - 霍尼韦尔 Aclar® 薄膜
霍尼韦尔 Aclar® 薄膜
Aclar® Barrier Films - Honeywell
Honeywell Aclar is a leading global packaging material that protects drug stability for by providing the highest moisture barrier among all polymer materials. Aclar® Rx160 is a 0.60 mil (15 µm) PCTFE homopolymer, high performance barrier film for the pharma and medical markets.
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