Aclar | Pharma Packaging Innovation
Suitable for pharmaceutical blister packs having high-sensitive formulations like Losartan Pottasium, Multivitamins, Anti-hypertensive molecules Neutraceuticals, Veterinary & Herbal formulations. Excellent thermoforming properties. Colours: Glass Clear, Amber, White Opaque, & other colors upon request. Average No. Of Joints Per Roll/Spools.
Aclar® Accel™ Standard Blister Packaging Barrier Films - Honeywell
Aclar Accel™ 1700 (1.7 mil / 43µ) is a cost-effective transparent film in the high moisture barrier range and is an appealing alternative to High Barrier (HB) PVdC. Aclar Accel 1700 offers different price points with faster delivery times due to creative manufacturing approaches that net the same quality you’ve come to expect from Honeywell.
Aclar® Barrier Films - Honeywell
Aclar thermoform films help manufacturers avoid failed stabilities from package integrity, while creating attention-grabbing, differentiated and economical packaging for shelf appeal and marketing advantage. From blister packaging design services to sample film material for evaluation, we are here to help you get critical medication to market.
Liveo Aclar - Liveo Research GmbH
Liveo Research’s Aclar® laminate films with Liveo Research’s proprietary PVC and PET film formulations are an industry standard for high barrier, high performance blisters. Liveo Research’s special PVC formulation allows for increased machine speeds and low temperature forming while maintaining flat, non-curling profiles.
Aclar/PVC 复合膜以及PVdC 是最普遍热成型泡罩包装材料。 在任何给定厚度情况下,Aclar 膜表现出最高的防潮性能。如 果需要隔绝氧气,可以采用复合EVOH甚至PVdC的解决方案。 高阻隔和超高防潮阻隔膜范围始于51 微米厚的Aclar 薄膜或 120g PVdC 涂层薄膜。
Aclar® films laminated with PVC as well as PVdC-coated PVC are the most prevalent polymeric films used in thermoformed blister application. Aclar films exhibit the highest moisture barrier at any given thickness of the barrier film layer. If oxygen barrier is needed there are solutions available that include an additional polymer
Honeywell Aclar® film is a high moisture barrier thermoformable blister film that has been used to pack some of the world’s most successful pharmaceutical oral solid dosage products in both their innovator and generic forms.
关于Aclar 热塑成型信息,请参考霍尼韦尔编制的《Aclar 膜热 成型指南》 • 为获得完全成型泡罩囊腔,避免复合膜在成型之前冷却,以 确保足够压力保证成型。若囊腔的深度超过6 mm 或拉伸比超 过3:1,请使用辅助成型塞辅助成型以提高厚度分布和防潮性 能。
high-quality blister: •Use the proper forming temperature for your material. Forming temperatures vary with material type, thickness and manufacturer, thermoformer, speed, timing and mold temperature. For addi-tional information on proper Aclar® laminate forming, Honeywell developed the “Aclar ® Films Thermoforming Guideline ” for your ...
recommended guidelines to follow to produce a high quality Aclar blister. To optimize your barrier performance and ensure the best blister forming, also reference our Tooling Design Best Practices for Acla r ® Films available