Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) - American Thoracic Society
A simple questionnaire to measure the adequacy of asthma control and change in asthma control which occurs either spontaneously or as a result of treatment. Scores range between 0 (totally controlled) and 6 (severely uncontrolled).
- [PDF]
Duke University
Asthma Control Questionnaire (Questions l- 7) // self administered Please answer questions 1-6. Circle the number of the response that best descñes how you have been during the past week.
Questionnaires - Severe Asthma Toolkit
2022年10月3日 · Questionnaires may be useful to document a patient’s asthma symptom control and quality of life at initial presentation and changes in response to treatment. Several questionnaires are useful to assess a patient’s symptom control in severe asthma. Three common questionnaires are listed in the table below.
哮喘控制问卷(ACQ-5/ACQ-7) - MedSci
建议用于5岁以上患者。 1. 平均说来,在过去1周中,您有多少次因哮喘而在夜间醒来? 2.平均说来,在过去1周中,当您早上醒来时,您的哮喘症状平均有多严重? 3.总体来说,在过去1周中,您的口常活动因哮喘受到何种程度的限制? 4.总体来说,在过去1周中,您因为哮喘而呼吸困难吗? 5.总体来说,在过去1周中,您有多少时候出现喘息? 6.平均来说,在过去1周中,您每天使用多少次 (喷)短效支气管舒张剂 (如沙丁胺醇)? 7.支气管舒张剂使用前FEV1。
哮喘控制评分问卷(acq7) 该问卷是为了评估您哮喘的病情程度及用药控制情况,以指导用药及康复方案。 本结果仅用于疾病评估,您的隐私将得到全面保障,请如实填写!
Circle the number of the response that best describes how you have been during the past week. 1. On average, during the past week, how often were you woken by your asthma during the night? 2. On average, during the past week, how bad were your asthma symptoms when you …
Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life & Asthma Control
Clinic staff score the FEV 1 % predicted on a 7-point scale. The questions are equally weighted and the ACQ score is the mean of the 7 questions and therefore between 0 (totally controlled) and 6 (severely uncontrolled). The ACQ has strong measurement properties and has been fully validated for use in both clinical practice and clinical trials.
Asthma Control Questionnaire package - paper use (ACQ package …
Paper version (i.e., PDF format) of the ACQ instrument is distributed by Mapi Research Trust through this page. ACQ1-5+7 (ACQ Question 1 - 5 & 7 only, question 6 (Short-acting bronchodilatator use) omitted).
哮喘控制问卷(ACQ-5/ACQ-7) - USECOA
ACQ适用于17岁或以上的成人,并且已针对所有6-17岁儿童进行了全面验证,其中11岁及以上的儿童使用自我管理的成人版本,而6-10岁的儿童使用访谈者管理的版本。 授权类型. 若在非商业临床实践和研究中可以免费使用ACQ。 在所有私人诊所和商业资助的研究,都需要支付一次性使用费。 即一旦一个组织支付了费用,ACQ纸质版本就可以被尽可能多的患者使用,并在未来被尽可能多的研究使用。 可通过Clinflash获取,通过下列方式向Clinflash提交量表授权获取需求。
以下测试可以帮助哮喘患者(12岁及以上)评估哮喘控制程度。 请尽可能如实回答,这将有助于您与您的医生讨论您的哮喘。 共有五个问题,请选择每个问题的得分。 最后把每一题的分数相加得出您的总分。 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 得分:25分——祝贺您! 在过去4周内,您的哮喘已得到完全控制。 您没有哮喘症状,您的生活也不受哮喘所限制。 如果有变化,请联系您的医生。 得分:20—24分——接近目标在过去4周内,您的哮喘已得到良好控制,但还没有完全控制。 您的医生也许可 …