How do you use the acro bike to jump the circular ledges?
2014年11月21日 · How do you use the acro bike to jump the circular ledges? I'm trying to use the acro bike to jump the ledges found in safari zone and other places but I can't figure out how. I tried using the bunny hop to get up on them but it doesn't work.
How do I use my acro bike to cross the broken bridges?
2005年4月30日 · Latios and Latias were given the Dragon/Psychic Type to really emphasize their strength as Legendary Pokémon, according to the developers, similarly to how they settled on the Psychic Type for Lugia; after this, they couldn't give them the Flying Type as well but knew they needed to fly, therefore the developers gave them the Levitate Ability.
What should I use, the Acro or the Mach Bike? - GameFAQs
2014年11月21日 · Mach bike for general use. Most time you use it to save travel time so speed is what you want. Acro isn't needed unless trying to get certain items or access other areas.
Acro or Mach? : r/PokemonEmerald - Reddit
2023年6月13日 · Mach bike is the better bike overall, quicker movement is the biggest winning factor. I hatch a lot of eggs so that is obviously why I prefer the Mach bike. However while playing through the game I will switch as necessary when it is required to dive a …
How the hell do I get across these : r/PokemonEmerald - Reddit
gotta get the acro bike and use the side hop b button plus a sideways directional input at the same time you can also hold b while moving for a wheelie lastly you can hold b while standing still to do bunny hopping which lets you cross certain stones in the game (example: going up the mountain from the hotsprings town with the fourth gym)
Acro bike vs Mach bike. Which one was your favourite? : …
2013年4月14日 · Mach bike. I thought the Acro was cool occasionally, but I needed the Mach bike. So much speed, I was able to zip around Hoenn and it was great. I also enjoyed trying to go down Cycling Road as quickly as possible (without collisions).
Mach Bike or Acro Bike? : r/pokemon - Reddit
2021年4月26日 · In your first play-through of either the Gen III games or their remakes (Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald or Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, respectively) Did you choose the Mach Bike or the Acro Bike and why?
acro bike rail jump not working - Pokemon Emerald Version
If so, you're supposed to press b and the direction you wish to go to on the d-pad at the same time, and your acro bike will hop FC: 1822-1028-9260 IGN: Raphael tkdcaleb (Topic Creator) 15 years ago #3
Which bike is better to get at first? : r/pokemon - Reddit
2014年12月1日 · 1st is in the desert and requires the mach bike to reach. 2nd is on the route between Mauville and Fortree and requires acro bike to reach. Also requires waterfall. 3rd is a guy on the beach at the resort and you only need either …
One of the reasons why I use the Acro Bike : r/pokemon - Reddit
2013年5月8日 · You can also do a 180 degree hop by pressing B + backwards direction. I'm surprised not everyone has heard of the tricks the acro bike can do. There's an instruction manual on the table inside the shop.