The fatty acid transport protein (FATP) family: very long ... - PubMed
However, one member of this family, FATP2, is identical to an enzyme with very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (ACSVL) activity. This enzyme (ACSVL1 or FATP2), was isolated using classical protein purification techniques. In fact, the six-member ACSVL protein family is identical to the six-member FATP family.
脂肪酸转运蛋白 (FATP) 家族:超长链酰基辅酶 A 合成酶还是溶质 …
我们观察到,对于许多 acsvl,过表达蛋白的亚细胞定位与内源蛋白的亚细胞定位不同。 使用 RNA 干扰 (siRNA),我们敲低了 Neuro2a 细胞中 FATP4(提议名称:ACSVL5)的表达。
ACSL family: The regulatory mechanisms and therapeutic
2021年10月15日 · Acyl-CoA synthases can be divided into very long-chain acyl-CoA synthases (ACSVL), long-chain acyl-CoA synthases (ACSL), medium-chain acyl-CoA synthases (ACSM) and short-chain acyl-CoA synthases (ACSS) based on the carbon chain length of the catalyzed FA (Tang et al., 2018).
代谢控制中的酰基辅酶 A 合成酶。,Current Opinion in Lipidology
综述的目的 11 种长链 (ACSL) 和超长链酰基辅酶 A (acyl-CoA) 合成酶 [ (ACSVL)/脂肪酸转运蛋白] 正受到相当多的关注,因为它们的个体功能明显不多余的。 最近的发现 最近的研究集中在酰基辅酶A合成酶的结构、它们的翻译后修饰、它们激活不同链长的脂肪酸的能力,以及它们在引导脂肪酸进入不同代谢途径中的作用。 一个未解决的争议集中在 ACSVL 异构体以及它们是否同时具有酶促和转运功能。 另一个问题是脂肪酸转化为酰基辅酶A是否会增加足以激活AMP激活激酶 …
Mouse Very Long-chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase 3/Fatty Acid Transport ...
2004年12月24日 · The family of proteins that includes very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetases (ACSVL) consists of six members. These enzymes have also been designated fatty acid transport proteins. We cloned full-length mouse Acsvl3 cDNA and characterized its protein product ACSVL3/fatty acid transport protein 3.
Lipid metabolism enzyme ACSVL3 supports glioblastoma stem cell ...
2014年6月4日 · We previously found that the fatty acyl-CoA synthetase VL3 (ACSVL3) is elevated in malignant brain tumor tissues and involved in tumorigenesis. This study investigates the role of ACSVL3 in the maintenance of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) stem cell self-renewal and the capacity of GBM stem cells to initiate tumor xenograft formation.
Human Fatty Acid Transport Protein 2a/Very Long Chain Acyl-CoA ...
Members of the fatty acid transport protein/very long chain acyl-CoA synthetase (FATP/Acsvl) family are emerging as key players in the trafficking of exogenous fatty acids into the cell and in intracellular fatty acid homeostasis.
生化讨论-脂肪酸转运蛋白家族 - 百度文库
脂肪酸转运蛋白家族 (fatty acid transport proteins, FATPs), 又称溶质运载蛋白家族 27 (solute carrier family 27, Slc27) 最初由 Schaffer 等通过克隆表达技术在小鼠的 3T3-L1 脂肪 细胞 cDNA文库中发现. 迄今为止, 已在人和鼠等物种中确定了该蛋白家族的 6 个成员 (FATP1~6). 最近 10多年来, 对 FATPs 的结构特性、转运功能及与疾病的相 关性等方面进行了研究, 结果表明 FATPs参与细胞的脂肪酸跨膜 转运和脂质代谢. f长链脂肪酸如何进入细胞内? f长链脂肪酸如何进入细 胞 …
Very Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase 3: Overexpression and …
2013年7月23日 · Endogenous human ACSVL3 protein was found in a punctate subcellular compartment that partially colocalized with mitochondria as determined by immunofluorescence microscopy and subcellular fractionation. From these studies, we conclude that ACSVL3 is a promising new therapeutic target in lung cancer.
Human fatty acid transport protein 2a/very long chain acyl-CoA ...
2011年9月2日 · We have expressed two naturally occurring splice variants of human FATP2 (Acsvl1) in yeast and 293T-REx cells and addressed their roles in fatty acid transport, activation, and intracellular trafficking.