2025年1月14日 · Tutorials. Time spent at an ActEd tutorial will be amongst your most productive study time - our experienced team of tutors will make sure that our tutorials help you to prepare effectively for the exams by taking you through important questions, clarifying key concepts and giving you the motivation to succeed.
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Core Study Materials - Actuarial Education Company
In most subjects, ActEd's Course Notes include the complete Core Reading integrated with the ActEd text. In Subjects CB2, SP6 and SP9, students are also required to read material in specified textbooks, which do not form part of the Course Notes.
Revision Materials - Actuarial Education Company
ActEd Solutions with Exam Technique (ASET) contains exam papers along with ActEd"s full solutions including techniques for tackling exam questions. Most ASETs are available in printed format or as an eBook (CB1, CB2 and SA1 is eBook only). EBooks can be purchased as an addition to the printed product or as a standalone product.
Subject - Core Practice - Actuarial Education Company
Contains ActEd's solutions to recent past exam papers, plus comment and explanation. This is available in eBook or paper format. Click here for further guidance on ASET for further guidance. The Vault: The Vault is an online resource containing up to 10 years of exam questions, with both ActEd and IFoA solutions.
Tutorials - Actuarial Education Company
ActEd may still be able to provide face-to-face tuition through an in-house tutorial, which can be tailored to meet your specific requirements. In-house tutorials are charged on a fixed fee basis, irrespective of the number of students attending and are guaranteed to run.
in which the objective is covered in the ActEd course. Aim Provide effective written communications of a technical nature to a non-technical audience. These communications need to convey appropriate information without unnecessary complexity, through the use of appropriate forms of communications, use of appropriate language and
Actuarial Education
2023年6月20日 · ActEd's new exam question product, The Vault, is now available to purchase. More details on our website.
in which the objective is covered in the ActEd course. Aim The aim of Subject CP2 is to understand and apply the critical steps to model data, document the work, create and maintain an audit trail, analyse the methods used and outputs generated and effectively communicate to colleagues the approach, results and conclusions. Topics and topic ...
Welcome to ActEd’s brochure for the 2025 examinations. Our comprehensive and innovative study products, together with our marking services, teaching expertise and highly regarded professionalism and enthusiasm, give all students the opportunity to maximise their chances of exam success. Record your ActEd student number above for easy reference.