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Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development - Wikipedia
Acted is a French international solidarity non-governmental organization (NGO), founded in 1993. It is headquartered in Paris. Acted works in crisis management in the areas of humanitarian …
Acted - Act today | Invest in tomorrow
Acted is an international NGO committed to immediate humanitarian relief to support those in urgent need and promote inclusive and sustainable growth.
Acted — Wikipédia
Acted (anciennement Agence d'Aide à la coopération technique et au développement) est une ONG de solidarité internationale, créée en 1993. Son siège est situé à Paris .
About us - Acted
According to the French law N• 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on computing, data and liberties (CNIL), all users who has deposited nominal information either directly or indirectly, may ask for the …
Annual Report - Acted
The Acted annual report highlights the key achievements of the past year, showcasing Acted’s commitment to the 3ZERO objective (Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty). This report …
Acted Core
ACTED Core is dedicated to supporting vulnerable populations worldwide and building a better future through humanitarian action.
ACTED (Agency for the Technical Cooperation and Development)
ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development) is a non-governmental organization with headquarters in Paris, founded in 1993. Independent, private and not-for-profit, ACTED …
Agency for Technical Cooperation & Development (ACTED)
The Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) is an international non-governmental humanitarian relief agency, assisting countries in crisis. Activities include water …
Acted - LinkedIn
For the past thirty years, international NGO Acted has been working at the forefront of humanitarian action to save lives. Currently, Acted supports 18 million people across 42 …