Actility: IoT Solutions for a Smarter World
Actility stands at the forefront of the IoT landscape, seamlessly integrating with all sensor types to support diverse industries and use cases. Its robust IoT solutions enable data-driven decision-making across sectors, enhancing efficiency and fostering innovation in an interconnected world.
Actility - Actility.com
Operators, connectivity service providers, 3d party IoT network platforms and satellite networks: leverage Actility’s solutions to deliver best-in-class services to your customers and expand your value proposition with us.
Our IoT Solutions - Actility
At Actility, we specialize in delivering robust IoT solutions not only for public network operators but also for enterprise sectors, assisting them throughout the entire network lifecycle. Our offerings span from the foundational deployment of connectivity infrastructure to the integration of value-added services and business enablement tools.
Part of Actility, ThingPark Market is a leading IoT marketplace offering a wide range of LoRaWAN products, including devices, gateways and accessories. Whether you're starting your own IoT project or enhancing an existing one, we've got everything …
Actility - LinkedIn
Actility, one of the co-inventors of LoRaWAN® technology and a founding member of the LoRa Alliance, is the leader in industrial-grade low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) connectivity and IoT...
ACTIVITY中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
நிறைய விஷயங்கள் நடக்கும் அல்லது மக்கள் சுற்றி வரும் சூழ்நிலை, ஒரு நோக்கத்தை அடைய ஒரு குழு அல்லது …
ThingPark - Leading IoT Platform
ThingPark® is Actility’s enterprise-grade IoT platform, designed to unlock the potential of connectivity with a comprehensive suite of IoT solutions. Built for seamless deployment and integration of Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) globally, it delivers industrial-grade reliability, security, and scalability to meet the demands of ...
Actility - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Actility is an industry leader in Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN). ThingPark by Actility offers a carrier-grade IoT platform, with a growing ecosystem of partners; low-power, long-range wireless networks for sensors and devices; an operating system and middleware that enables web applications to connect seamlessly with data from different
Actility再获7500万美元注资 扩展其物联网方案-阿里云开发者社区
2017年8月9日 · Inmarsat与Actility两者之间存在着协同增效效应,两者能够通过协作为边远地区的客户提供创新型连接服务,从而有望打造全球物联网网络。为此,我们近期与Actility合作推出了LoRaWAN网络以便将物联网引入全球各个角落。未来,我们还将与Actility展开更多合作项目。
Actility - 企查查
2010年1月1日 · Actility是法国一家低功耗广域物联网服务提供商,通过将对象与无线网络相连接,以帮助从供应链到照明以及建筑物或工厂供暖等所有环节的自动化过程,涵盖物流和供应链、智能建筑、能源及公共设施等。