Active Transportation Overview
Health and Transportation. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, transportation agencies play an important role in public health by encouraging healthy community design, promoting opportunities for physical activity by supporting active transportation infrastructure, reducing human exposure to air pollution, reducing injuries associated with motor vehicle …
Active Transportation
2024年9月25日 · Active Transportation Safety Virtual Peer Exchange (April 2021) In April 2021, AASHTO’s Center for Environmental Excellence — in partnership with the Committee on Safety, the Council on Active Transportation, and the Federal Highway Administration — hosted a three-day peer exchange on active transportation safety.
NRDC Ranks State Transport Equity, Climate Efforts
2024年1月11日 · Measurements included such items as transit investment, flex spending on active transportation, number of EV charging ports per 1,000 people, and whether states compensate citizens for participating in the project planning process. The report also cited examples of how states are advancing environmental and equity causes:
Integrating Improved Freight Transport Model with Vehicle …
This research focuses on proposing and testing a framework that integrates a freight transport modeler and a vehicle emission simulator to evaluate the emission of heavy duty trucks within the logistic network by studying operational behaviors.
Transport-equation models for more cost-effective, accurate noise ...
This research project will apply a transport equation to predict noise distributions in long spaces/enclosures when multiple sources are present. Skip to content Transport-equation models for more cost-effective, accurate noise prediction in tunnels and urban canyons
Assessing Inter-City Passenger and Inter- and Intra-City Freight ...
Developing a consistent set of comprehensive and objective energy and GHG intensity estimates will require a substantial research effort. This research should survey all modes, but the primary focus should be on Inter-City Passenger and Inter- and Intra-City Freight Transport Energy and GHG Intensities.
Role of public transit in high education retention and degree ...
Anecdotally, many lower-income households rely on public transit for transport. How does public transit access to community colleges and 2-year colleges impact a person’s ability to get to college, and stay in college throughout the course of the degree – …
Comprehensive and Multi-Modal Transportation Evaluation …
objectives, develop potential solutions, create a transport model for the appraisal of the alternative solutions, how to model highway and public transport, and how to conduct economic appraisal studies that meet DoT requirements. Todd Litman (2012), Toward More Comprehensive and
Cap and Trade and Transportation Sector Specific Policies
Implementation The research could help inform national policy. EffectivenessThe project would help the transportation sector reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a very important goal as transportation accounts for about a third of U.S. carbon emissions and science indicates that emissions must be reduced substantially to avoid dangerous climate change impacts.
Best Practices Guide for Air Quality Mitigation for Transportation ...
The Center for Environmental Excellence by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) has been developed in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration to serve as a resource for transportation professionals seeking technical assistance, training, information exchange, partnership-building opportunities, and easy …