Ad eundem degree - Wikipedia
An ad eundem degree is an academic degree awarded by one university or college to an alumnus of another, in a process often known as incorporation.
AD EUNDEM Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of AD EUNDEM is to, in, or of the same rank —used especially of the honorary granting of academic standing or a degree by a university to one whose actual work was done elsewhere.
Ad Eundem学位 - 华文百科
AD Eundem学位是一所大学或学院授予另一个大学的校友的学位,这是一个通常被称为Incormation的过程。 Ad Eundem学位的获得者通常是该机构的教职员工,该机构颁发了学位,例如剑桥大学,在剑桥大学中,公司明确限于“已被大学办公室或奖学...
名誉学位 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
和名誉学位类似的是无需额外学习、自动授予的惯例学位(拉丁語: Ad eundem )。一些学校会颁发硕士学位予在学校任职一定年数的教职员工,或取得教授席位而没有本学校学位的人员。
Ad eundem 拉丁-中文 含义 | Goong.com - 新一代词典
简体中文中的含义: “Ad eundem”的意思是“到相同”,通常用来形容在学历或学位的认定上,认可另一所学校或机构的学位。 这在高等教育中尤为常见,尤其是在学位转移或学术资格认证时。
ad eundem - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年1月11日 · (of an academic degree) Awarded by one institution to an alumnus of another. Recognised by one institution on behalf of another. Barristers who are members of another Inn may join Lincoln's Inn as an ad eundem member.
Ad eundem 拉丁-中文 含義 | Goong.com - 新一代詞典
詞源與語源學: “Ad eundem” 由兩個部分組成,“ad” 意為「到」或「向」,“eundem” 則是 “idem” 的變格形式,意指「同一」或「相同的」。 這個短語起源於拉丁語,與古羅馬的法律和教育體系密切相關,反映了對於學位和學術認可的重視。
ad eundem - Latin is Simple Online Dictionary
An ad eundem degree, from the Latin ad eundem gradum ("to the same step" or "to the same degree"), is a courtesy degree awarded by a university or college to an alumnus of another. It is not an honorary degree but a recognition of the formal learning for which the degree was earned at another college.
AD EUNDEM GRADUM 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Online …
AD EUNDEM GRADUM 释义: to, of, or in the same rank or standing : pertaining to a university recognizing the... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例
ad eundem是什么意思及用法 - 沪江网校
ad eundem 【医】 同等级(学位或学籍); ad in (打成平局后)发球人得的第一分; ad arbitrium adv.随意地,独断地; ad finem adv.最后; ad libitum adv.随意; ad colligenda 【法】 收集; ad diem 【法】 在指定日期; ad respondendum 【法】 答辩, 抗辩; ad out (打成平局后)接球人得的第一分; Ad Copywriter 广告文撰写人