AD Fizz Top :: League of Legends Strategy Builds - MOBAFire
+ Greater Mark of Attack Damage - With these Fizz have a nice amount of AD bonus since the beggining of the match. That helps you to farm, trade and poke better, help a lot in the lane phase and early game.
Fizz Build Guide : The Reborn AD-Fizz Jungle Terror - MOBAFire
2019年1月4日 · Fizz has some CC, and a very high mobility. When ganking, Fizz can easily close great gaps, and deal much damage. Counterganks or counterjunglers are not able to follow Fizz jumping through the jungle. The damage output with a spellblade passive item is insane, you can 1v1 almost every champion.
Fizz Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities - Patch 25.06 - MOBAFire
2024年10月10日 · Find the best Fizz build guides for League of Legends S15 Patch 25.06. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Fizz build for the S15 meta. Learn more about Fizz's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community!
Fizz Build with Highest Winrate - LoL Runes, Items, and Skill Order …
Fizz with U.GG's best data for every build. The highest win rate Fizz build, from rune set to skill order to item path, for Mid. LoL Patch 15.6
Fizz Build Guide - Runes, Items & More - Patch 15.6 - Mobalytics
Get the best Fizz builds, based on analysis of 10000+ matches in all regions and ranks. Climb in patch 15.6 with Fizz builds provided by Mobalytics!
Fizz Build - Highest Win Rate Builds, Runes, and Items - OP.GG
Fizz Build with the highest win rate. Runes, items, and skill build in patch 15.06. Fizz build recommendations and guides.
Fizz - League of Legends Wiki | Fandom
Fizz is an amphibious yordle, who dwells among the reefs surrounding Bilgewater. He often retrieves and returns the tithes cast into the sea by superstitious captains, but even the saltiest of sailors know better than to cross him—for many are the tales of those who have underestimated this slippery character.
Fizz AR URF Build 25.04 - Runes & Items - LoL - METAsrc
Fizz is ranked B Tier and has a 49.92% win rate in LoL AR URF Patch 25.04. We've analyzed 393934 Fizz games to compile our statistical Fizz AR URF Build Guide. For items, our build recommends: Stormsurge, Sorcerer's Shoes, Lich Bane, Shadowflame, Zhonya's Hourglass, and Rabadon's Deathcap.
Fizz Build 25.06 - Runes, Items, Counters - LoL - METAsrc
Fizz ADC is ranked Off Meta Tier and has a 57.16% win rate in LoL Patch 25.06. We've analyzed 133 Fizz ADC games to compile our statistical Fizz Build Guide. For items, our build recommends: Lich Bane, Sorcerer's Shoes, Mejai's Soulstealer, Stormsurge, Zhonya's Hourglass, and Rabadon's Deathcap.
AD Fizz : r/fizzmains - Reddit
2021年4月4日 · The Official subreddit for the Tidal Trickster, Fizz. “You people can’t even breathe water. You’re boring.” ~ Fizz