linhntaim/youtube-auto-skip-ads-extension - GitHub
At YouTube website, ads are shown while playing video via Video Player. There are 3 places that have Video Player: Watch Page. Channel Page. Mini-player Popup. ** Note: Shorts is not supported yet, so we don't count on it. There are 2 types of ad: Skippable: Use can click on a skip button that appears after the ad is played for a short time.
[YTP] protegent ad - YouTube
funny thing i made in capcutsentence mxing is hell
YouTube去廣告 - 原始程式碼 - Greasy Fork
腳本用於移除 YouTube 廣告,包括靜態廣告和視頻廣告。 不會干擾網路,安全。 安裝腳本? 發表問題、評論 、或 檢舉該腳本。 // @description A script to remove YouTube ads, including static ads and video ads, without interfering with the network and ensuring safety. // @description:zh-CN 脚本用于移除YouTube广告,包括静态广告和视频广告。 不会干扰网络,安全。 // @description:zh-TW 腳本用於移除 YouTube 廣告,包括靜態廣告和視頻廣告。 不會干擾網 …
[YTP] Advertisements Up Your Ads-hole! - YouTube
2021年3月31日 · Featuring more ways to get rid of whatever money you may have had in the 80s and 90s.Ironically I'm not putting ads on this video, lul. Oh yeah, and I made ...
推荐一款神器:yt-ad-autoskipper - 自动跳过YouTube广告的浏览 …
2024年5月27日 · yt-ad-autoskipper 不是传统的广告拦截器,而是通过智能识别并模拟点击“跳过”按钮来实现广告自动化处理。 它的核心在于对网页元素的实时监控和精准定位,确保在广告可跳过的瞬间立即执行操作,既不干扰正常视频播放,也无需用户进行任何额外交互。 支持浏览器包括Chrome、Firefox以及Safari(由第三方开发者提供的port版本)。 安装简单,直接从各官方市场获取即可。 无论您是在家中放松享受视频,还是工作中短暂休息时观看,甚至是开启YouTube …
Skip un-skippable YouTube pre-roll and mid-roll ads, no ad ... - GitHub
Skip un-skippable YouTube pre-roll and mid-roll ads, no ad block, just a bookmark. This README provides instructions on how to install a custom JavaScript bookmark across various major web browsers. The bookmark contains a JavaScript snippet designed to skip video ads or jump to the end of the video if no skip button is available.
youtube広告削除ツール · GitHub
Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. youtubeの広告を最小にします。 スキップボタンはUI Events.isTrustedを見ているようで、スクリプトによる操作を排除しているようです。 なので、 isTrusted=trueなイベントを作りたい。 と併用することで、自動クリックできます。 ただとても重く、現実的な用途ではもうひと工夫必要そうです。 let args = [...arguments]; let temp = args[1]; args[1] = function () { let args2 = [...arguments]; args2[0] = Object.assign({}, args2[0]);
Automatically click "Skip Ad" · Issue #1872 · code-charity/youtube
2023年12月9日 · Ad blocking on YouTube is increasing difficult, or you want the channel to get ad revenue at minimal inconvenience. When the "Skip Ad" button appears, it should automatically be clicked. Click it manually. Use an additional extension to do it. If blocking remains/re-becomes impossible, then 100%.
YouTube Ad Blocker (Updated) - Source code - Greasy Fork
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Ad Blocker (Updated) // @namespace https://example.com/ // @version 1.0 // @description Blocks YouTube ads effectively without …
YouTube Adblocker Enhancements | youtube_adblocker_adblocker
YouTube No Preroll Ads (Beta) What It Does: This bypasses the preroll ads that appear before YouTube videos. It prevents YouTube from showing the ad entirely, allowing you to jump straight into the video. How It Works: The script automatically detects when a preroll ad is about to play and skips it before it starts.
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