AD9226 - Q&A - High-Speed ADCs - EngineerZone
2024年2月17日 · AD9226 Production The AD9226 is a monolithic, single supply, 12-bit, 65Msps, analog-to-digital converter with an on-chip high performance sample and hold amplifier and voltage... Datasheet AD9226 on Analog.com
请教ad9226基准电压的问题 - 问答 - 精密转换器专区 - EngineerZone
2019年5月12日 · 我按照产品说明将ad9226 17脚sense接avdd,然后由ad584提供2.5基准电压,但接通电源后ad9226快速升温,测得基准电压只有1.2V左右,然后不久就过热烧掉了。avdd是5V,drvdd是3.3V,5v供电是dc-dc转换12v产生的,3.3v是三端稳压产生,5v电源波纹约20mv左右,电压检测结果稳定。请专家指导,谢谢。
AD9226 pin cofiguration - Q&A - Differential Amplifiers
AD9226 on Analog.com AD9266 Recommended for New Designs The AD9266 is a monolithic, single-channel 1.8 V supply, 16-bit, 20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
ad9226: single ended measuring span is 0.1v when vref=1v
2018年11月23日 · AD9226 Production The AD9226 is a monolithic, single supply, 12-bit, 65Msps, analog-to-digital converter with an on-chip high performance sample and hold amplifier and voltage... Datasheet AD9226 on Analog.com
AD9226 - Q&A - Differential Amplifiers and ADC Drivers
2019年9月15日 · AD9226 Production The AD9226 is a monolithic, single supply, 12-bit, 65Msps, analog-to-digital converter with an on-chip high performance sample and hold amplifier and voltage... Datasheet AD9226 on Analog.com
Connections between AD8338 and AD9226 - Q&A - EngineerZone
2015年10月29日 · AD8338 has an internal VREF at 1.5V, we want to set the output common-mode votage to 2.0V by adding resistors from summing nodes to COMM,so that AD9226,the ADC,which has a VREF that has been set to 2.0V,could be directly connected with AD8338 differentially.Could this way possibly work ? P.S. The whole system is supplied by single power.
HDL reference for AD9226 with Zynq-7 - Q&A - EngineerZone
We don't have a specific IP for AD9226. You can probably start from AD9265 Native FMC Card Reference Design [Analog Devices Wiki] project and modify the interface to correspond to AD9226. The IP has some documentation at: AXI_AD9265 [Analog Devices Wiki]. Based on the diagram, you need to modify the LVDS interface section / axi_ad9265_if module.
Cylone IV + ADC9226 - Q&A - High-Speed ADCs - EngineerZone
2020年7月10日 · AD9226 Production The AD9226 is a monolithic, single supply, 12-bit, 65Msps, analog-to-digital converter with an on-chip high performance sample and hold amplifier and voltage... Datasheet AD9226 on Analog.com
关于AD9629或者AD9268等的使用配置问题。 - 问答 - 精密转换器 …
2017年11月17日 · AD9629或者AD9268等的使用配置问题。器件的非SPI功能模式下是不是给定AD时钟就能从AD输出端口读取数据? \\n 我是这样做的:1、FPGA产生50M时钟接至clk+,clk-直接GND; \\n 2、FPGA的IO端口控制让CSB引脚拉高,SCLK和SDIO引脚拉低; \\n 3、外围电路按照ADI的评估板原理图设计。 \\n 我的差分输入VIN+为0.6V,VIN-为0 ...
关于AD9226的输入引脚的波形是否正常 - 问答 - 精密转换器专区
2021年2月21日 · 我在使用AD9226-28-Lead SSOP芯片做信号采集模块,与fpga相连接,采样频率为50MHz,输入信号通过AD8138将单端信号转换为差分信号。 具体的连接如图,在连接信号和空接时,用示波器测量VINA和VINB两个引脚的波形,发现有50MHz脉冲波形,这是否正常?