ADA-8 - 株式会社フォービット 製品情報
ada-8 外観図 ・ 2系統の入力レベル監視用VUメータ搭載 ・ 1-8系統の各出力毎に前面パネルのトグルスイッチでソースの選択が可能です。
ADA-8XR Modular AD/DA Convertor - Prism Sound
The ADA-8XR offers accurate, ultra detailed A/D and D/A conversion providing complete focus of sound to ensure you’re not distracted by colouration while allowing every nuance of a performance to be heard. Modular design allows for the flexibility of having either an 8 input/8 output, 16 input OR 16 output converter.
Behringer ADA8200 8-channel Microphone Preamp - Sweetwater
Get classic sound and solid A/D conversion for your studio with the Behringer ADA8200! A good mic pre is an essential piece of gear in any signal path, and the Behringer ADA8200 is loaded with eight front-panel preamps designed by MIDAS.
Prism Sound 转换器 ADA-8XR 翻篇儿了:迎接新旗舰 Dream ADA …
2020年10月25日 · Dream ADA-128是将近20年前就成为Prism Sound旗舰级数模/模数转换器的ADA-8XR的次时代新旗舰,具备巨大数量的接口,超强的性能,且可同时连接Dante、AES3、Pro Tools HDX和MADI这些数字接口。
英国 Prism Sound ADA-8 母带级解码器 - Gzhifi.com
Prismsound ADA-8XR是prismsound的现役旗舰,相比于前旗舰DA2,它的两端延伸更为宽广,声场更加庞大。 ADA-8XR是一个插卡式的设计,主机部分是一个巨大的时钟处理系统,后来就演化成了著名的音频分析仪dScopeIII和Audio Precision系列产品,ADA-8XR的数字卡和模拟卡都围绕 …
The ADA-8 provides eight channels of high-resolution, high-sample-rate A/D and D/A conversion with a variety of processing and interfacing functions, plus a two-channel Monitor with both analogue and digital outputs. A/D and D/A Paths can be independently synchronized at 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2 or 96kHz sample rates.
Prism Sound ADA-8 8-channel AD/DA Converter w/ Firewire
The analogue front- and back-ends of the ADA-8 have been engineered to a level of quality and functionality previously only found on our flagship AD-2 and DA-2 converters: Analogue input and output sensitivity (and inter-channel balance) are software-adjustable over the entire range with 0.05dB resolution.
Prism Sound ADA-8 - Reverb
Configured for 8 in/8 out, and has both 8ch AES and FW cards. As per Prism’s recommendation, I’ve used the FW out into a modern MacBook Pro using the Apple FW>Thunderbolt 2 and T-bolt 2 > USB-C adapters (not included) and that works fine. I’ve used the AES card to route real-time backup to an 8ch recorder with AES input.
Prism Sound Dream ADA-8 8-Channel Converters - Mixonline
2004年6月1日 · The Dream ADA-8 provides eight channels of up to 96kHz/24-bit AD/DA conversion for high-quality audio production. Multichannel mixing and mastering facilities will find its flexible interface options especially useful.
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ADA-8 - fourbit.tech
系統数 : 8系統 レベル : +4dBu , 0dBu , -10dBv (内部切換) 適合負荷インピーダンス : バランス 600Ω以上 周波数特性 : 20Hz~20KHz , ±0.5dB以内 歪 率 : 0.01%以内( at 1KHz) コネクタ- : XLRタイプ 3P オス 2番ホット、3番コールド [3] 電源部、その他