ADA Requirements: Effective Communication - ADA.gov
2020年2月28日 · For more information about the ADA, please visit ADA.gov or call our toll-free number. ADA Information Line 800-514-0301 (Voice) and 1-833-610-1264 (TTY) M-W, F 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., Th 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) to speak with an ADA Specialist.
Access for 9-1-1 and Telephone Emergency Services - ADA.gov
2020年2月28日 · The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires all Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) to provide direct, equal access to their services for people with disabilities who use teletypewriters (TTYs), which are also known as …
The Americans with Disabilities Act | ADA.gov
1-833-610-1264 (TTY) M, Tu, W, F: 9:30am - 12pm and 3pm - 5:30pm ET; Th: 2:30pm - 5:30pm ET; Community Outreach Coordinator [email protected]. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects people with disabilities from discrimination. Disability rights are civil rights. From voting to parking, the ADA is a law that protects ...
711 for TTY-Based Telecommunications Relay Service
TTY-based Telecommunications Relay Services permit persons with a hearing or speech disability to use the telephone system via a text telephone (TTY) or other device to call persons with or without such disabilities. To make using TRS as simple as possible, you can dial 711 to be automatically connected to a TRS communications assistant.
Americans with Disabilities Act - United States Access Board
While seats are not required at TTYs, reading and typing at a TTY is more suited to sitting than standing. Facilities that often provide seats at TTY's include, but are not limited to, airports and other passenger terminals or stations, courts, art galleries, and convention centers.
NAD - National Association of the Deaf
Today, TTY relay services, the original and now “traditional” relay service, can be reached by anyone by dialing 711 from a telephone or TTY. The 711 dialing feature is now available nationwide to access non-Internet-based relay services such as TTY relay services, speech-to-speech (STS) relay services, and voice carry over (VCO) TTY, and ...
9-1-1 and Emergency Communications Services - ADA.gov
In this chapter you will learn the basics about what the ADA requires for 9-1-1 and other emergency communications services operated by or for state or local governments. It answers questions including: What types of emergency communications services are covered? How does a TTY work? What are voice carryover and hearing carryover?
General Effective Communication Requirements Under Title II of the ADA
A TTY is a device on which you can type and receive text messages. For a TTY to be used, both parties to the conversation must have a TTY or a computer with TTY capability. If TTYs are provided for employees who handle incoming calls, be sure that these employees are trained and receive periodic refreshers on how to communicate using this ...
Americans with Disabilities Act Title II - Department of Public …
The Americans with Disabilities Act Title II protects people with physical, mental, and developmental disabilities as well as others with serious health limitations. If you have a disability that makes it hard for you to apply for benefits or meet program requirements, you have the right to request and receive extra help without the need to ...
ADA Information Line - ADA.gov
1-833-610-1264 (TTY) M, Tu, W, F: 9:30am - 12pm and 3pm - 5:30pm ET; Th: 2:30pm - 5:30pm ET; Community Outreach Coordinator [email protected]