阿达德 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿卡德语 中的 阿达德 (Adad [1])和 苏美语 中的 伊什库尔 (Ishkur)以及 亚拉姆语 中的 哈达德 (Hadad)都是 巴比伦 - 亚述 神殿中风暴神的名字。 所有这三个名字通常都用 语标符号 写为「d IM」。 阿卡德 神阿达德与 闪族 神哈达德在名称和功能上同源。 傳入迦南後被尊為 巴力哈達 (Baal Hadad,即 巴力,Baal)。 在阿卡德神话中,阿达德也被称为拉姆曼(Ramman)「雷神」,与亚拉姆语中哈达德的绰号「临门」(Rimmon)同源。 拉姆曼以前被许多学者错误地认 …
Adad | Storm God, Ancient Near East, Thunder God | Britannica
Adad, weather god of the Babylonian and Assyrian pantheon. The name Adad may have been brought into Mesopotamia toward the end of the 3rd millennium bc by Western (Amorite) Semites. His Sumerian equivalent was Ishkur and the West Semitic was Hadad.
Adad - Encyclopedia.com
ADAD is the Old Akkadian and Assyro-Babylonian name of the ancient Middle Eastern storm god, called Adda (Addu) or Hadda (Haddu) in northwest Semitic areas and known later as Hadad, especially among the Arameans. A shortened form, Dad, occurs in personal names.
Adad - Mesopotamian Gods & Kings
(Adad) the protector of Larsa, the helper of Sîn-iddinam on the battlefield, who stands in combat with the troops at his side, the great lord, the canal administrator of An and Enlil, whose destiny has no equal!
巴比伦诸神阿达德(Adad) - 百度知道
2024年6月3日 · 巴比伦诸神阿达德(Adad)在古代两河流域的文明中,巴比伦和亚述的天空主宰是一位至关重要的神祇,他被称为Adad,苏美尔语中则是伊西库尔(Ishkur)。他是风暴的化身,以其震耳欲聋的雷鸣声宣告威力,所向披靡的闪电
每日一词-名词(Adad 阿达德) - 百家号
2022年12月26日 · Adad 阿达德 巴比伦和亚述掌管天气的大神。 阿达德一词可能在公元前 3 千纪末由西闪米特人传至美索不达米亚。 同一神在苏美尔人中称伊希库尔( Ishkur ),在西闪米特人中称哈达德( Hadad )。
Adad - Myth Encyclopedia - mythology, god, ancient, animal, …
Adad was the god of weather in the Babylonian and Assyrian cultures of Mesopotamia * in the ancient Near East. Other cultures in the region called the god Ishkur, Rimmon, Addu, Hadad, or Baal-Hadad. The son of the sky god Anu, Adad was believed to control storms and rain.
Overview of Adad Mesopotamian God - Old World Gods
Adad, also known as Ishkur in Sumerian mythology and Hadad for the Canaanites, is the ancient Mesopotamian god of the weather. He holds a dual role, both as giver and destroyer of life. His beneficial rains bring abundance, while his storms and hurricanes bring darkness and scarcity.
Adad / Ishkur, 3rd Son To Enlil, 2nd Son To Enlil’s Spouse Ninlil ...
59 - Adad inside his sky-disc / flying saucer atop his bull symbol of Taurus. 59a - Adad & his sky-disc / flying saucer, Taurus the Bull. 27 - Adad with a single row of animal horns, ancient statue inside a museum; only royal Anunnaki, those related …
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