ADAM Audio - A3X Active Studio Monitor (Archived Product)
For mobile setups or studios with limited budgets for monitors, the ADAM A3X is an excellent new option. Although they are small, the size of the audio image belies their size. The overall feel is …
重回一线梯队,ADAM 第四代 A 系列评测 | 叉烧网
2023年7月13日 · 其实上一代 A3X (4.0”寸) 官方数据只有 60Hz/-10dB,A4V 相当于“加一寸”。 在大部分的频率区间里,A4V 比已经很准的 SC204 和 8320A 还准些, 关于这一点,官网在自己的 《测试报告》 里进行了解释, @焦聚 Focus 给大家翻译一下原文: “1kHz 的凹陷是倒相管口共振引起的,这种凹陷很多音箱都有,包括先前的 Adam AX 系列。 虽然有办法消除,但我们进行了刻意保留,这是各项冲突性能特性之间的权衡。 如果消除共振,则要面临管道中更不稳定的气 …
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A 3 X - ADAM Audio
The A3X combines a tiny footprint with the much acclaimed ADAM sound quality by using the X-ART tweeter for the higher frequencies, a guarantee for crystal clear music reproduction. A 4.5′′ [basket] driver handles the lower registers.
ADAM Audio - A3X有源专业录音监听音箱(近场)
对于移动录音设备和预算有限的录音室来说, ADAM的A3X无疑是一个理想的选择。 尽管A3X的体积很小,但是呈现出的声音效果并未受限制。 总体表现坚实有力,低频惊人。 在这个体积的监听音箱中它的低频响应极为有力,X-ART高频单元表现出清晰细节…… 令A3X毫无疑问成为这个价格范围内的最佳紧凑型音箱。 我使用过很多用于电脑音频制作的监听音箱,却从未遇到A3X这样等级的产品。 在此之前,我用小音箱做出的混音作品转到大型音箱上都需要进行相当的返工, …
ADAM A3X 主動式監聽喇叭 價錢、規格及用家意見 - 香港格價網 …
有線/無線:有線, 頻率:60 Hz - 50 kHz, 輸入功率:25W, 靈敏度:106dB, 尺寸:10" (252 mm) x 6" (150 mm) x 7.5" (185 mm), 重量:10.1 lb (4,6 kg)kg, 比較 ADAM A3X 主動式監聽喇叭 價格,查看詳細規格、用家意見、相關情報及二手買賣,安心訂購產品享折扣優惠及購物保障
ADAM Audio A3X 4.5 inch Powered Studio Monitor | Sweetwater
The ADAM Audio A3X is a popular nearfield monitor found in home and project studios worldwide. An active vertical 2-way design, the versatile A3X provides a balanced sound with transparent high-frequency reproduction, clear midrange, and superior transient response.
ADAM Audio A3X Active Nearfield Monitors (Pair) Black - Reverb
Weighing just 10 pounds and sporting a 4.5" woofer, the A3X is ADAM's smallest studio monitor with X-ART ribbon tweeter. It was designed especially for small home recording environments and any control room where space is lacking.
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English - ADAM Audio
The smallest big sound ever... onstricted. The A3X combines a tiny footprint with the much acclaimed ADAM sound quality by using the X-ART tweeter for the higher frequencies, a guarantee for crystal clear music r
ADAM A3X OPERATION MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
The A3X is a compact near field monitor. It is perfectly suited for a wide variety of stereo and multi-channel professional applications including small control rooms, desktops, mobile …
Adam Audio A3X Monitors review - MusicRadar
2010年8月18日 · An excellent speaker from Adam with a big, detailed sound that far exceeds its diminutive size. Very compact and well built. Larger-than-life sound with excellent stereo imaging. Plenty of power and bass extension. Great price. Not magnetically shielded. Not suitable for low-end focused mixes.